Shippers (Pt. 3)

306 14 3

[The Queens]

Silver is online

Silver: G u y s

Red and Blue are online

Red: What?

Silver: Shit

Silver: Wrong chat

Blue: Ah

Red: Tf

Silver and Blue are offline

Red: Wtf just happened

[KatAnna Shippers]

Silver and Blue are online

Silver: G u y s

Green is online

Green: Idk where Lina is

Blue: Sucks to be you

Green: Fuck you

Blue: Aren't you engaged

Silver: This is a KatAnna group chat

Silver: Not make fun of Anne chat

Silver: If you wanna do that

Silver: Go to the main chat

Green: This is bullyism

Gold is online

Gold: What's up

Blue: Idk

Silver: Let me tell the story

Green: No

Silver: Why tf not

Green: You guys were bullying me

Gold: What

Blue: WAIT

Gold: DO

Gold: NOT


Gold: MY 

Gold: WIFE

Silver: You aren't married yet

Blue: Not the thing to say

Blue: But bUrN

Gold: She feels like my wife and that's all that matters

Green: I feel like your my wife 💕💕

Silver: Just gonna screenshot and move on

Blue: Ok

Silver: Alright so

Silver: Kat

Silver: Was just hit on, and moments before I almost started a physical altercation with the bastard that did so

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