part 1

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Cole pov

Bree sleped in the stere last night I don't even care my flight to go to Vancouver is at 2 and it is early 10
Lukely while bree was passed out I had packed Mine and Rosas bag we are going to be there for 2 weeks then coming back for 2 days and going back I might fly back to get cloths once In a while I am bringing Rosa with me because I am not leaving her with bree it's like leaving her alone so I get put of bed and the bath room I am surprised that Rosa didn't wake up before she wakes up at 8:45 on the dot each and every day i am so happy she didn't this morning anyways I take my shower and put my cloths on I put a pare of gray joggers and a black t-shirt I put in some shoes and walk up to Rosas room she's awake just laying there playing I laughed at her and changed her into a littel and thin onesie I put a littel cute head band on her and bring her to the kitechen I walk up to the fridge and grave her formula I put it in the botel and shake it up I give it to her I go to the couch and sit her on my lap she drinks and I wach sport news bree already left she allwais leaves at 7:30 in the morning. At some point she lets go of her bottle C:"all done princess" she smiles at the name I give her I laught and burp her before I know it's 1:15 and the airport is 30 mins away I put my coat on and put a super fluffy white warm wool coat on Rosa and I love to play songs on the car I would play kids songs obiously and she would make sounds with the song I laught at her till we got to the airport this would be the first time Rosa was out in the public I didn't whant her to be all over the media at such a young age so I put a blanket over her car sit and one of my guys to bring my bags when we walked in I tryed to draw the least attention possible but some fans saw me and freaked out I took some pictures when other people realised that I had a baby they couldn't see her but only the carseat and they start to ask questions allot of them
?:"who's baby is that"
?:"can we see you baby"
?:"is it a boy or a girl"
?:"is it brees"
C":first of all my baby is no an it. Second I don't whant my child on the media so please stop with the questions" i stooped kj at the other side of the airport waiting to board the plain walked over to him
C:"hey dude" I said placing Rosa on the table still on her carseat
KJ:"hey man" he said hiring my shoulder in a bro way
KJ:" hey muffin" he said going down to her carseat you coulcd hear her try to laught. Kj and I just laught as he lifts up the blanket kinda scaring her. She got all exudes and started to reach for him.
C:"leave her till we get on the plain" I said pouting the blanket back down so people didn't take pictures of her. We board the plain a few minutes leittel and made ower way to Vancouver.

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