part 3

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Coles pov

When she said yes, when I asked if she had boyfriend problems I felt kinda....sad? Like I was disappointed almost I think I kinda had or have feelings for her maybe. I don't know and It dosent matter anyway she has a boyfriend he probably makes her happier more that I ever would...right?I would ask but.....I don't what to overstep. Ruin what ever we may or may not have. Wow I forgot how trikie this kinda thing was. She finely snapped me out of my thoughts
C:"uhmmm sorry I was zooned out"
L:" it's okay I just asked if we are taking the same car to the diner tonight?"
C:"yeah sure"
L:"and are you bringing....." she said waiting for her name
C:" Rosa and yes"
L:" okay well diner starts in a hour so I'm going to get ready"
C:" okay me too"
L:" I can take Rosa if you whant get her changed and ready"
C:" no it's okay you probably have more stuff to do then me but thank you"
L:"no problem"she said turning around and walking to her room I whent to Rosa's room and got her changed and I walked to my room and changed as well. It took about 40 minutes to get the both of us ready. We were sitting on the fluffy rug waiting for lili

She came out looking absolutely breath taking, I was speechless she smiled at how I couldn't move or speak
L:"you okay cole?"
C:" Y-yeah uh, you look...amazing" she laughed at how stuttered
L:"thanks" she said bending wow to Rosa and picking her up
L:"hey Rosa lets get you to your carseat while daddy just keeps on staring okay?" She laughed so did I. I watched as she put Rosa in her carseat and wrapped her up In a littel blanket I smile at how genial she was and put my shoes on. She put her coat on so did I. We walk out me holding the super bag and since lili insisted she could bring Rosa to the car we got in and drove to the restaurant when we got out I graves Rosa and lili graves the super bag
C:"I can grave that"
L:" it's okay I got It"
C:" okay" I smile at how hardheaded she was she was not taking no as an answer, we got in and everybody from the cast was looking at us we continued walking till we got there kj took Rosa and we sat down next to each other
Kj: hey muffin" he took her out at plaised her carseat on the floor he passed her to lili I can tell Rosa loves lili because she is extremely picky when it comes to who holds her bit she leds lili hold her the only people she leds them hold her are me kj and I guess now lili. Rosa dosent raven Leah brew hold her I guess she didn't like the sleep of alcohol lili turns r osa around so she's standing on her legs the cast finely starts to talk fire Roberto
R:"Cole when you told me you have a daughter I didn't know it was Lilis"
Cole and lili:"she's not"
L:" shes not mine"
R:" oh sorry it just looks like your her mom"
Cam:"it dose" lili and I just smile at the thought of her being Rosa's mom. Rosa should have a mom as great as lili I know it's bas to say but I hope she breaks up with her boyfriend. Shit so I have feelings for her?

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