part 11

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Casey's pov

After they left Rosa starded to cry
Cas:"what's wrong Rosa?" She just cried more
Cas:"hey, hey..........its ok. Calm down"  she starded to cry less 
R:" dada" she cried
Cas:"your dada will be back soon" she was still crying  I thought that maybe she would stop if she saw them. So I graves her coat and put it on her, I walked to set and go wach them. She called down a bit then she starded to cry again but louder this time
R:"MaMa!" She said crying extremely loud.  Lili and Cole looked over and lili ran to us. She graves Rosa out of my arms and held her tightly
L:"it's ok boo....shhh, its ok" she stoped  crying with 20 secounds

Lilis pov

I heard  a cry. A cry that I would recognize anywhere. It was Rosa, she scremed 'mama' I jump out of the bouth and ran to Casey I graves her and held her closely while running to them I saw Madchën and Skeet they gave each other the 'see I told yo' look but I didn't care my baby was crying . That right my baby when I held her Cole ran to us
C:"is she ok?"
L:" of course she just wanted us"
Cas:"well, I here by delay that I am never babysitting again" we laught
L:"well who is going to wach her?"
C:"she only let's kj, me and you hold her that's a big problem when it comes down to someone alse to hold her"
L:"I know" Madchën and Mads walked up to us 
Mads:" give me her, this shouldn't be that hard" she picked her up and Rosa starded screaming and reaching towards me
L:"MAMA!"I take her back and she calms down
Mc:"I know this is a long shot but let me try"
C:"be my guests, she dosent like many people I think I have bree to thank for that"  Madchën picked Rosa up slowly Rosa didn't cry. I was surprised Madchën placed Rosa on her hip she played with Madchën's neackles
C:"holy crap, its a miracle" I laught and we walk back to set we finish it and we go back home

Coles pov

At the apartment

We walk in and we bouth ploded down the couch Rosa was sleeping on my leg I get up and put her to sleep. I walk back out to lili I sit next  to her and put my hand on her leg
C:"you know, we neaver finished that makeout session"
L:"that was a mistake......."

With The Wrong One (Sprouseheart)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora