part 14

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Coles pov

I woke up on the couch with lili on my arms and Rosa in her arms, it felt kinda good, you know. Knowing that bouth Liam and bree are going to jail, we have Liam's trail today, lili has been very scared to face him. Tell everyone what he did to her. I kissed Lilis forehead and she slowly woke up.
L :"you know I can get use to seeing your extremely hot face every morning" she said gigeling and I laughed at her
C:"you know I love seeing your hot face every morning" I laught and so did she
L:"it's the trial day, today"
C:"it is, am so sorry"
L:"you know. I'm usually terrified by the fact of seeing him but today. It feels like I am going to be ok. You'll there and he'll be handcuffs. Plus if he dose anything it'll be more evident"
C:"I'm glad you feel safe"
L:"only around you so please stay with me" she said holding me tighter
C:"I promise I won't" I kiss her lips and Rosa starts to cry
C:"right on time" she laughed and got up
C:"I'll go it's fine"
L:"no she's my baby too, right?"
C:"she is but it's  morning and I what to see my princess"
L:" well I whant whant to see my boo so I am coming too" I laught we walk to her room and open the door and she was standing there in her crib
C:"Hey, Princess" I picked her up and kissed her cheek. Lili came around and kissed her cheek too.
L:"good morning boo" I laught I love how lili has a name for Rosa like I have 'Princess'
L:"Let's get you dressed so we con go and see Madchën ok?" She picked her up out of my arms
C:"why is she seeing Madchën?"
L:"because I am not saying anything infront of her"
C:"she's a baby she dosent understands you"
L:"I don't care, I can't say that kind of stuff. I refuse too"
C:"fine...." I grave Rosa out of her hands.

Lilis pov

He took Rosa out of my hands and walked out. Was he mad? I was having a panick attack. He is leaving isn't he......i am about to lose him. I was freaking out and hyperventing. I run to the bathroom. I slide down to the floor. I was crying so much it was haed to breath. I'm not going to be strong enough to go by myself. We won't have enough evidence and he don't go to jail, he'll come get me and hurt me again. I'll be all alone again. Cole dosent care he's gone and took the one chance of me being a mom. I say to myself. It's been five minutes.  He is definitely gone by now. I say again. about two minutes leittel the door opens
C:"lili are you grating ready-what's wrong" he sat beside me and draped his arms around me
L:"arnt you suppose to be gone?"
C:"gone? Gone where?"
L:"I thought you left me"
C":baby......i was going to the kitchen to feed Rosa I am no leaving you, not ever" I cried more
L:"why don't you? Just leave a need just let Liam take me back to his house and go live your life. Keep Rosa safe and go find someone better than me"
C:"lili there is no one better than you, you are caring, sweat, kind, brave and beautiful. A great mom to Rosa you are the best. Lili and that's why I love you" I turned shocked.
C:" I love you so god damn much it's probably a world record. I would never leave you or hurt you in anyway. I am staying with you forever until you decide that it was too soon and you break up with me right now but I whant you to know that I. Love. You. Lili Reinhart."
L:"and I love you Cole Sprouse" I kissed his lips as the goofy smile apered on his face
C:"now let's get going and get that bastard in jail"
L:"ok" I got up and changed into my clothes. I did very small amount of make-up and it was all waterproof. I know I am going to cry. I walked out to the kitchen and eat a bowl of cereal with the love of my life and my beautiful......daughter I have a five and a half month old daughter without even carrying her for nine months. I got Rosa changed while Cole changed then we stoped her off at Madchën's. We drove to court and took our places.

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