part 13

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Coles pov

2 days later

Lili and I have been amazing. I love her so much. Rosa has a cold so I am staying home with her today. I never heard back from bree, it just said read. Oh well, I don't need her. Lili has been gone to work eight out of the nine hours she has worked in a day and I was in the living room watching 'how I met your mother' while waiting for lili to get home, then there was a knock on the door but Rosa started to cry so I shouted
C:"one secound" I run and grace Rosa and opened the door, sure enough it's bree
B:"what the fuck Cole?"
B:"oh shut up! Let me in!" She pushed though me walking in
C:"what do you whant bree?"
B:"to have you back"
C:"well that ship sailed off when you started drinking.....and cheating"
B:"how the fuck do you know I cheated" she said walking off to my room. Lili's clothes was laying on the floor. I smile when I saw her underwear and bra on the floor, I remember the night. Bree picked them up and said
B:"if anything your the one that cheated"
C:"first this" I say heaving Lilis underwear and bra out of her hands
C:"it happend after I dumped you....well most of it" I whispered the last part smirking at myself thinking of the night we had together
B:"well were is this one night stand"
C:"first she's not a one night stand and secound she's at work. She isn't dating me for the money"
C:"we broke up two days and you have a girlfriend"
C:"four months ago when we were together, you had 7 boys per week. One for each night, you cheated on me for four months before I sleeped with one incredible woman"
B:"well bullshit" she walked out back to the kitchen
C:"can you just get the fuck out of here"
B:"no I am going to wait for this slut to show up" she said and i put down Rosa in her chair. Lili was going to be home any minute now I needed bree out before she hurt lili or Rosa
C:" first she's nothing like you. She's not a slut she's  an amazing woman and a amazing mom to Rosa"
B:"I'm her mom"
C:"fuck no. You are nothing compared to what lili has done for Rosa"
B:"I gave birth to her"
C:"well you know what they say you might be her mom but lili is her mom"
B:"you know what I am hungry and she will probably be lay so I'll just make myself at home" she walked to the kitchen and I followed her. Then lili walked in.

Lilis pov

I open the door and I see Rosa on her chair but no Cole.  She see me and throws her arms up in the air
R:"Mama!"I take her out and start walking around
L:"baby am home" I walk to the kitchen and see Cole but with a women
L:"what's going on here?"
C:"It's ok baby, she's just leaving"
B:" oh so this is the women who is fucking my boyfriend"
L:"your ex first of all and secounds what are you doing here?"
B:"I came here to say hi to my boyfriend and daughter"
L:"well they are not here. This are my boyfriend and daughter. Maybe if you whent to one of thous bars you go to you'll find your boyfriend and for all we know you might be pregnant right now or you probably had an abortion"
B:"oh yeah, and how many times have you been pregnant Miss Perfect?"
L:"two...the first my boyfriend beat me half to death to kill the baby when he found out. The second....i had an abortion so that baby didn't grow up in a life were it would be abused"
C:"lili come here" he pulled me into a tight hug
B:"you were in a abusive relationship?"
B:"well you probably deserved every hit that came your what you useless whor-"lili interrupted her with a slap across the face
B:" you bitch, you can't hold my daughter. You abused me. Who knows what you'll do to her"
L:"you don't speak to me about abuse
Nor you assume that I will hurt a child"
B:"how do I know that your story about being abused is fake?"
L:"Get. The. Fuck. Out of my apartment!"
B:"if I leave, I leave with my daughter"
She took Rosa out of my arms, Rosa started to scream and cry.
L:"give her back to me you sick bitch"
B:"she's my daughter"
C:"No! She's not, she's our daughter. Mine and Lilis. Now give her back and get the fuck out and if you decide not to. Well I called the police five minutes ago and they will be here in two if you don't get the fuck out" he grave Rosa out of her arms and gave her to me I wrap my arms around her and she calms down
B:"like the police can do anything to me" then the police burst in the door
P:"put your hands up" he said with his gun on his hands ready to shoot. Bree puts her hands up and they put the handcuffs on her
C:"sir? We would also like to file a registration order against this woman"
??:"of course sir who would be involved?"
C:"my daughter Rosa, me and, my girlfriend Lili"
??:"anything alse?"
C:"no thank you sir" he walked over to bree  who was going to be taken to the police station where she would stay for the next week
C:"if you come near us again I am taking Rosa with me and I am taking full custody of her"
B:"I won't come near you again" they took her away and let our apartment I sat on the couch with Cole and Rosa on my lap. I layed my head on Coles shoulder and he raped his arms around me. We fell asleep like that.

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