Chapter 1: Meeting Someone New

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Sayua slung her bag over her shoulder and left the classroom as quickly as possible after the bell rang. This was a habit for her, as she had realised that leaving faster than everybody else prevents classmates and bullies from confronting her after school.

Leaving the main building then walking along the side of it, she was about to continue on her way when she notice something white floating in the koi fish pond in the corner of her vision. She walked over to see a slightly burnt white notebook floating in the murky pond water, being nibbled by three orange and white koi fish.

She took it out of the water, waving it lightly in the air and pressing it into her school uniform to get some of the water out. She paused, hold it properly so she could read the title.

Hero Analysis for the future, No.13 ?

Before she could flip it open, she heard the quiet thumps of someone sprinting towards her, along with a flash of green that suddenly appeared across her vision.

"E-Excuse me! Th-that book is m-m-mine!" A green-haired boy stuttered in front of her, his hand gripped tightly onto the straps of his school bag. He was incredibly nervous and wouldn't meet her eyes, as his gaze was firmly stuck on the book in two of her hands.

She couldn't help but get a little upset.

It's probably because of my quirk...The sooner I get this over with the better it'll be, for the both of us.

"Oh, here," she tried to shove down her sadness and curiosity, sounding uninterested as she held it over to him, waiting for him to take it.

He was extremely hesitant when he released his death grip on the straps of his bag, his entire body a nervous shaking mess as he finally reached over to take the book from her.

She noticed that he was very careful not to touch her fingers.

She sighed quietly, planning to turn around and leave when his stuttering voice spoke up.

"T-thank you for d-drying it!" He gripped the book tightly, actually meeting her gaze since he appeared, letting her see his clear emerald eyes even from under her fringe.

Then she realised what he just said.

Wait. He's thanking me?!

She was surprised, but it wasn't like he could tell with most of her face being covered. She decided to take the risk and try to befriend someone for once, despite fully expecting him to avoid her now that he was done being polite.

"No problem. I'm Sayua, and you are?" She tried hard not to be too hopeful, even though she's tried to do this plenty of times in the past and never succeeded.

He panicked a lot, his face completely pink as he managed to respond, "I-I'm Izuk-ku M-mi-midoriya! I-it's, u-uh, nice t-to meet you!"

Nice to meet me, huh? I'd disagree and tell you it was my pleasure to meet you, if I was certain you aren't lying to me.

[Yeah, she's meet way too many two faced people that broke her to trust anyone, at least right off the bat]

She smile a little anyways, "It's nice to meet you too, Midoriya."

He's turned completely red at this point. He was nervously scratched the back of his head and his stuttering became incomprehensible.

I'm pretty sure this normally doesn't happen when you dislike someone. If it's not my quirk, then what the heck is going on with him?

Then again, she was starting to find his stuttering adorable, now that she figured(hoped) he wasn't this nervous just because of her quirk. She decided to spare him the misery of trying to string together what to say and take her leave, though she would've like to stay and get to know him better.

She took a look at the watch she wore on her top left hand.

Mister Sasaki is going to get upset if I'm any later. Even so, I'll still need to run my way back.

"I need to leave now, Midoriya, but I hope we get to meet each other again in the future." She gave him another small smile.

"O-of course! Hehe..." he gave a strange little giggle afterwards.

She nodded to him, then started booking it towards the Sasaki Support Company as quickly as she could.


[We finally meet Izuku! But I have a few things to ask:

1. Should I make the chapters longer and lengthen the posting time or keep it as it is?

2. Does anyone want Izuku's POV of this chapter?

(If no one replies, I probably won't change/add anything) ]

[Btw, I changed her name to Sayua Sasaki in the OC Character Info. I'll probably keep changing things about it as the story goes on, but I'll note it here in the A/Ns ]

[Also, does anyone have problems with my writing? 'Cause I really want to know if it has any problems so I can hopefully improve.]

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