Prologue 2: Lighting a Spark

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It was only a year later when Sayua met her.

Around this time, she had finally decided to grow out her fringe to cover up her face, since the sight of it had scared the younger orphans. It was also around this time that the orphanage decided to organise a small outing to the park for everyone. Surprisingly, Sayua got to go too.

Maybe Miss Kimura managed to convince the other social workers to bring me on the trip, even if she couldn't personally attend.

She was the only person in the orphanage that tolerated her, after all. The others would rather glare at her from a distance or avoid her completely. Either way, nobody wanted to get close to Sayua Kiyama.

Everyone knew she was the daughter of a villain with a villainous quirk.

Being the last person to step off the bus, she took in the scenery with a passive gaze. The sky was mostly clear, with a few puffs of white here and there. Beautiful green trees lined the path she walked down. She ignored the distant noise and laughter coming from her fellow orphans in the playground, paired with the occasional shouts of the social workers that was suppose to watch over everyone.

Wandering off a little wouldn't hurt, right?

She continued down the path, making sure the playground was always in sight. She eventually found a bench underneath a thin but tall tree within eyesight of the playground, so she decided the sit there and wait until they we're going to leave. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, relaxing into the seat. She tilted her head to look up at the sky and daydreamed.


At least until someone interrupted her.

Sitting beside her, swinging her legs back and forth, was a little girl that was maybe around 7-10 years old, with curly brown hair, blue eyes, dark skin and a buck toothed smile, "I'm Delilah! What about you?"

Wtf is happening???

"I-I'm Kiyama. Nice to meet you, Delilah"

Holy shi-The kid beamed back at you when you replied.

From there, the two had a conversation that was mostly led by Delilah. Though Sayua was a little embarrassed that the nine year old kid had more social skills than she did, it was one of the best conversations that she's had in a long time. She found out that Delilah was from Africa and had learned Japanese from her Japanese mother. She loved strawberries and chilli, meanwhile hating anything having to do with jasmine. She had a pet lizard named Ricky that was left in the care of their neighbours during their week long vacation here.

In return, Sayua shared with her her hatred for vinegar and anything minty (which Delilah laughed at) . They shared the same favourite colour, which was purple (though they liked different shades). She told Delilah a little about her quirk as couldn't properly control her own yet, showing her a few tricks she could do with the web from her fingertips. She cheered and clapped, her eyes shining whenever Sayua did one.

She was definitely surprised, but happy that her quirk had managed to bring joy instead of terror for once.

Little did she know that her own eyes were shining too.

Sayua made sure to steer clear of the more depressing parts about her past, not wanting to bring down the mood, though the topic had somehow changed to one about heroes. Delilah was ranting about how strong and incredible heroes were. Sayua wasn't that enthusiastic, considering a hero was partly to blame for her mothers death, but she went along with it.

Delilah wanted to be a hero one day.



"Sissy Kiyama, do you want to be a hero too?"

Sayua froze, not quite sure what to say.

Do I want to be a hero too?

She ended up telling her the truth, "Look, Delilah, you probably don't think you understand that..." she avoided her curios stare, "People think my quirk is villainous-"

"That doesn't matter, sissy Kiyama!" She interrupted with puffed out cheeks, determined to prove her wrong, "What matters is that you use it to save people!"

Oh dear sweet god this child is too pure for me.

She scratched the side of her jaw lightly, a habit when she's nervous, "Well, there's the fact that people think I'm a villain because my mother was one too-"

Delilah quickly climbed onto her lap, grabbing her face with both hands, "Then prove them wrong!"


"Use your quirk for good! Become a hero to prove to them that people with 'evil' quirks and have evil parents can be heroes too!" Their faces were almost touching as Delilah kept holding onto her face, her own fierce and determined (don't tell her that she was actually pouting), as if she wanted to force her will into her.

Become a hero and prove them wrong, prove that people like me can be heroes too......huh.

She smiled wide at the child still holding onto her face, "Sure."

Delilah seemed shocked, though she didn't understand why - she did just give her an awesome speech.

"I'll become a hero, Delilah," she confirmed for the awestruck girl, "To prove that people with seemingly evil quirks, people that have villains for parents can be heroes too."

Sayua stared right into her eyes, taking her hands into four of her own as the kid continued to sit on her lap silently.

"And most importantly, I'll become a hero for you, Delilah. Because today, you were my hero"

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