Chapter 3: Short Encounter

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Walking into the fairly familiar store, Sayua immediately headed towards the ail where the cards would be, canting it's code number so she wouldn't forget it.

There was another person there though, and the blonde haired lady's existence made her wish she didn't have to be here right now but Mr Sasaki might get mad if she took too long.

She awkwardly walked pass the lady, who was murmuring furiously(which honestly scared her a little), probably debating between the two colour cards in her hands.

Please don't notice me please don't notice me please don't notice me-!

Well too bad! Because the lady tapped on one of her wrist when she'd almost gotten out of her reach.

God dammit

"Yes?" Sayua inquired, tilting her head a little and totally not panicking at getting attention from this stranger.

"Excuse me, but which do you think pairs better with a canary summer dress?" She shows her the colour cards in her hands, both a different shade of orangey red.

For a moment, Sayua's inner seamstress shone through the pure anxiety of talking to the adult.

"The lighter one. The darker one clashes to much with canary, unless you add it as light accents," She impulsively blurted out, her hidden eyes widening and resisting the urge to clamp all her hands over her mouth.

Omg she probably thinks I'm an idiot why did I do that!?!

The lady retreated her arms and squinted at her two choices again, thinking over her words for what felt like way too long before nodding.

"Now that you mention it..." she muttered for a while more, before turning to face Sayua with a bright smile. She noticed that her eyes were actually a pretty ruby red. "Hey, since you helped me, do you want to come over for a meal sometime?"

Immediately panicking, she stutters, half raising her hands self consciously, "O-oh no it's fine! I didn't do much at all..."

"Nonsense, I insist!" The spiky haired lady grabbed her top right hand, shaking it and giving her a close eyed smile that matched her energetic personality, "I'm Mitsuki Bakugo, by the way, what's your name?"


Why am I stuttering so much?! .....but she's being so nice!? What's up with that!!? She probably hasn't seen or remembered the news then, not that I would either, if I was in her shoes.

"Here," Miss Bakugo took out a notepad and a pen from her purse, scribbling something down before ripping it off and handing it to Sayua, "It's my phone number. Send me a message telling me it's you, okay? My husband and I run a fashion company, and I'd love to get input from you time to time! Stay in touch, okay Sayua?"

Without letting her reply (something she's grateful for), Miss Bakugo walked away, leaving Sayua stunned before she eventually shook her head and continued on her way.


28.2.2021 - I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything for so long, and that this was so short. I'm going to put this story on hiatus until I put myself together again and figure out what I actually want to do with this story so it hopefully won't be complete trash. I'm not gonna give up on it just yet!

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