Part 2: demonic seal

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                                                                          IN THE HELLTAKER HOUSE

Helltaker:hey lucy do you have something to say.


Helltaker:please i want to know why he calls me dad.

Lucifer:ok but don't be surprised.

at this time the whole room was silent waiting for Lucifer to answer.

Lucifer:Our children never died.

At this moment, the whole room suddenly cheers with joy because he knows that jeff is not dead and also feels sad that he saw him like a monster.

Lucifer:but we cannot accept jeff into family because.

Everybody: why.

Lucifer:because in jeff's eyes there is a mark of demonicdestruction.


Lucifer:demonic seal.

Helltaker:is how.

Lucifer:This imprint will cause jeff to kill people and continue to transition from jeff to jeff's child and the cycle of making a child kills parents keeps acting.

Helltaker:Can you break this imprint.

Lucifer:Not because it was a curse that God put on me when I was banished to hell.

Helltaker:Is there any other way to save Jeff and the people.

Lucifer:There is 1 wing to save Jeff or all of us.


Lucifer:1,is that jeff kills all of us, jeff will be free

               2,is if jeff dies, we will be free from that cursed mark.

At this moment, the room became strangely silent, everyone said nothing because they were busy thinking about whether to sacrifice themselves or jeff.

Malina and Zdrada was just thinking that the two of them just met Jeff not long ago and didn't want to save Jeff but suddenly they feel sorry for Jeff for spending 20 years in the abyss and when they escaped from there they could not have family accept.

Justice,Judgement anh Cerberus feel regret for attacking jeff and they feel that jeff is still young so alive they have lived so long.

Helltaker:anyone has any ideas.

Lucifer: just kill jeff.


Lucifer:we have to kill jeff or else when the imprint takes over Jeff's body, it will end hell.

Helltaker:Come on everyone jeff is part of the family.

Lucifer:Don't you understand yet, jeff was born just to kill demons,if we let jeff live it will be the end of hell.

Lucifer:now we have to put the interests of the people first, and hell cannot be sacrificed for Jeff to live.

Helltaker:no,what kind of parents are we, unable to protect our own children.

Lucifer:Come on, now we have to be strong, not weak.

Helltaker:So we have to kill Jeff.

Lucifer couldn't hold back his tears and rushed to hug helltaker and spoke with tears.

Lucifer:must we do.

Helltaker:Before we do that I have some questions.

Lucifer:what is it.

Helltaker:Even though he knew that jeff was about to die, why did not you let him feel at home.

Lucifer:because if jeff has a happy feeling, the mark will take over his whole body,So right now jeff is feeling miserable is the weakest mark, killing jeff will be easier.

Helltaker:Okay let me do it.


Pandemonica,Modeus,Cerberus:Let us kill Jeff because you two don't have to do this.

Helltaker,Lucifer:really thanks.

Right now Lucifer feels jeff happily.

Lucifer:jeff is feeling happy, hurry up before the mark takes over jeff's body.


Helltaker:good luck.


Slouch as the door just closed Lucifer can't stand it anymore and falls to the floor.

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