part 4:to replace

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Jeff: good job Mom.

Modeus said in fear.

Modeus: don't call me mom,

Jeff: whatever.

Modeus: hey jeff is really sad when lucifer dies, helltaker will be mine, right.

Jeff: that's right.

Modeus: What about the others.

Jeff: They will be like Lucifer, so you don't have to worry.

Jeff: Now go home carefully.

Moseus: okay.

Jeff: but hey.

Moseus: what now.

Jeff: cerberus will be back soon.

Modeus: but.

Jeff: just believe me.

Modeus: ok.

         wait until modeus goes far away when jeff snaps his fingers and the cerberus is revived.

Jeff: You know what to do, cerberus and don't let me down.

Cerberus: yes boss.

As soon as Modeus returned, Lucifer asked that.

Lucifer: Is Jeff dead yet and where is pandemonica and cerberus.

            Modeus said nothing, just handed the pandemonica's hand lucifer.

Lucifer: So Jeff killed pandemonica and cerberus.

Modeus: no cerberus is still alive.

Modeus: And why don't you tell me that jeff eats devil meat.

Lucifer: what.

              Right now there was a knock on the door and the cerberus had returned.

Cerberus: I'm back.

Lucifer: hey Cerberus is Jeff ate Pandemonica meat.

Cerberus: that's right is terrible.

              right now Lucifer called everyone back.

Lucifer: Hey guys now we have to kill jeff.

Helltaker: There is no other way.

Lucifer: There is no other way.

Justice: Okay so what's the plan.

Lucifer: the plan is to let a bunch of little demons be us in order to lure Jeff into a room and the justicer and judgment will kill jeff right there.

Lucifer: what do you guys think.

Justice: Okay, we're gonna kill Jeff quickly and don't hurt Jeff.

Judgment: No, Jeff dies painfully for killing pandemonica.

Lucifer: I agree with judgment, okay justice at the moment we shouldn't let emotions overwhelm.

Justice: Okay, but I don't like this.

Lucifer: It's late, everyone should go to bed.

everybody: agree.

Just as jeff was eating pandemonica, suddenly a phone rang.

Jeff: Modeus.

As Jeff picked up the phone, Modeus spoke in fear.

Modeus: hey Jeff tomorrow you'll have to fight two very strong demons.

Jeff: and what are their names.

Modeus: Justice and judgment.

Jeff: thank mom.

Modeus: Please don't call me mom anymore.

Jeff: ok.

Modeus: Hey Jeff be careful.

Jeff: whatever.

        the next morning, just as jeff was preparing to confront both demons, he suddenly spoke.

Jeff: two hit one.

          right now justice and judgment feel a sense of fear enveloping them because they know they can't kill ̣ Jeff is.

Jeff: Are you two going to kill me or just stand there.

judgement: die Jeff.

         Right now justice tries to stop judgment but it is too late.

Jeff: too stupid.

just as judgment rushed into Jeff with the intention of killing Jeff but Jeff got faster and punched judgment in the chest. This punch was so strong that the bones in judgment were crushed.

Jeff: This is the price to pay for her extravagance of judgment.

Jeff: now only you left justice, Now you are alone justice, do you want a gentle death or a painful death.

right now justice knows she can run away but if she does then Jeff can follow her and get to know helltaker's house and endanger everyone.

Justice: I choose a painful death.

Jeff: great.

Right now there was a tape thrown into the helltaker house, everyone didn't know what was inside so they opened it and what they found was disgusting.

         The beginning of the tape shows jeff preparing to torture justice.

Jeff: hi, hope everyone will enjoy watching this tape.

first shows Jeff trying to get all of Justice's fingernails out and the next is a scene where Jeff is waiting for Justice's nails to regrow for a while, and Jeff gets bored with manicure and he starts to break. Justice's fingers even though she begs him to stop and he just doesn't care and he starts to pull out Justice's teeth one by one until there's nothing left and now Jeff starts cutting off his tongue of her and now Jeff asks everyone.

Jeff: I wonder what it would be like when a demon got his eyes removed.

and just like that Jeff ignored Justice and started to take her eyes off and put them somewhere else.

Jeff: I feel bored.

Jeff: hey Justice, it's time for you to die.

Right now a smile appeared on Justice's face and she was glad it was over, but as soon as Justice was about to die, Jeff just smiled and said.

Jeff: I'm just kidding,There's no way I could let you die so easily.

at this point Jeff had punched Justice so hard that Justice's bones were crushed.

Jeff: It's really fun.

Jeff: Next is the two of you Malina, zdrada.

at the end of the video shows Jeff eating Justice's meat and talking.

Jeff: shout Justice, this will make me taste better.

But Justice died when Jeff punched her, seeing that Jeff screamed in anger.

Jeff: weak, I hope you're still alive while I'm eating you but it's a pity.

right now in the room Lucifer and Helltaker just kept silent and the two of them couldn't believe they gave birth to a demon like Jeff, on the other side of the room, Malina, Zdrada and mođeus were vomiting while Jeff's actions except Cerberus, Azazel beelzebub were too shocked to pass out.

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