chapter 67:

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OH Kurrrrrrr

1 week later

Avas POV:

" alvaro just let me go please " I begged

his been keeping me in the same room for almost two weeks and bringing either Macdonalds or his home food twice a day

I felt sick , he tied my foot to the bed like a prisoner but gave me freedom to walk around

he raped me 3 times the past 2 weeks and I haven't got to bath since

I felt trapped , and I was
there was no way to get out I tried looking for anything to try and out of here but there was nothing but this bed and two windows high up with burglar bars

" stop just shut up " he said and rolled his eyes
" eat your food " he added

" I dont even get to bath and get my sanity , I fucking hate it here and I hate you !" I shouted and threw the chicken and Mayo sandwich across the room earning a slap from him

" FINE BE LIKE THAT BUT DONT EXPECT FOOD TOMORROW! " he shouted and pushed me off the bed to the ground and went out the room

" a-alvaro " I cried but he slammed the door and locked it

he still locks it yet my foot was tied
he must have watched a lot of criminal mind shows and horror movies because there was litteraly no way to get out of here

I cried on the floor and curled to a ball
I felt worthless and alone and I couldn't do anything about it

I got up and felt my head spin again , I started feeling nauseous again
iv been feeling like this a lot more the past few days

I felt something coming up to my throat so I quickly go to the ground and try to vomit , but nothing came out

I felt over heated and was sweating , I layed on the cold floor letting it try and cool down my body

my eyes started dropping close and I let it feeling to weak to keep it open


I got woken up by cold water thrown on my face

" WHAT THE FUCK " I shouted and jumped up wiping the water away from my eyes so I can see clearly

" you wanted to bath right" he said

" I wanted to go home too" I said looking around the unfamiliar bathroom that only had a basin , bath and toilet

" you know that's not going to happen " he laughed
" now just take a bath, you stink "

" is that my fault ?"

" stop with the attitude , u have 30 minutes to get done , there's fresh clothes there " he pointed to the toilet which was a hoodie , sweatpants , T-shirt , underwear and a bra
some toiletries there too

" thank u I geuss" I said confused

" your welcome" he said and went out of the bathroom locking the door


Am I rushing it or?

mine and mine only // Mattia polibioWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt