chapter 3:

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Ava's POV:

I got up from the floor after they left , I had English now and the worst thing is that charlie is there

We used to be best friends , I told her everything about my mom and what my dad did , she was always there for me since we were 8 years old but when we came into highschool year 8 she started changing

She started hanging out more with the " popular kids "
She never had time for me until one day she came with her new friends and karla and Cynthia started making fun of me and pulling my hair , Charlie just watched laughing

*flashback to that day 2017*

Karla : aww look the babies crying

They laughed

" just leave me alone " I shouted

Cynthia: what did u just say? She came close to me and slapped me across the face

I cried harder trying to push her away looking at Charlie
Why isint she helping me ?

Karla: heyyy charlie why so quiet she said laughing come on we told u what to u

Karla and Cynthia laughed even more

Charlie : oh um haahaa
She came to me and punched me across the face and I fell to the ground

"Owww " I screamed

They all just looked at me and laughed but charlie gave me a petty look

The bell rang and we all went to class

I lost her....forever

*flashback over *

I went into English class and Charlie kept on looking at me

The teacher was lecturing and stopped , "ava , why are you so late "

" umm sorry mam I um overselpt " I said back

" overslept ? " she looked at me in the eyes and sighed , " just go sit down ava "

I gave her a small smile and on my way to my seat a boy let his leg out and I tripped and fell

" ohhh sorry " he laughed while his friends laughed more

"ALVARO ROMEO THATS ENOUGH!" mrs aubrey screamed

"Wow " he said back

"apologize and help her up!"

He rolled his eyes then let out his hand , I took his hand then got up , "sorry mamas" he said while giving me a wink

I said nothing and just got to my seat right at the back

Charlie's POV:

I feel bad , I really do , you know doing this to her

But I'm forced too

It all happened in 8th grade

*flashback to that day*

Charlie:No , no I can't do that to her , she's my best friend

Karla: do you think we give a fuck u better hit her when we go to her

Cynthia: Charlie u better

She said while she continued choking me

"U know what we will do"

Charlie : pls don't do that to her , she's going through a lot you just making her life.......... worse than it is
She let go of my neck and I finally could breath again

mine and mine only // Mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now