chapter 43 :

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Avas POV :

" please sto-stop " I stuttered in a ball crying but he continued to beat me

" your a little fucking brat "

I just stood there , taking all the pain wishing it can all stop

" your fucking useless , you never do anything right! "

" your the reason your fucking hoe of a mother is not here !"

" you'll never find love , you dont even have friends !"

( okay I felt that😭 )

" I just want you to fucking die , is that so much to ask !?!"

He came up to me and grabbed my hair harshly to his face

" just go fucking kill yourself , your just a waste of space on this earth !" He shouted in my ear then bashed my head to the ground

I felt ringing in my ears , everything stopped and all I saw was darkness

I tried looking but I couldn't
I tried screaming but it felt like someone was on top of me
I tried moving but I felt parelized
I felt numb
I felt scared
I was


"AVA !" I felt someone shaking me

I shot up from where I was laying , shocked while crying more tears . my heart was pumping fast and i found it hard to breath

" ava omg are you okay ?" Zoe asked looking at me concerned while hugging me

I just nodded  my head

" breath slowly " she said calmly and I listened

My head was pounding and I felt numb

" it was all a dream , okay "

I just closed my eyes and continued breathing slowly

" ava.." Zoe asked calmly

I didn't feel like talking
It felt so real

" mm"

" what happened "

I grabbed my phone and saw it was 3:36am in the morning
Zoe forced me to stay by her , she didn't want me to go home
I never asked Mattia who that girl was , I mean y would I?
He said he was going with a friend , he told the truth
Plus I would look like a clingy bitch which is toxic

" my dad "

" his not your dad , what kind of a dad does that to his own child " zoe said angrily

I just nodded

" do you wanna talk about it? "

I nodded my head no
My head was pounding
I just wanted to sleep

I layed back in the bed while Zoe rubbed my back til I fell asleep

I'm gratefull to have a friend like her


" avaa wake up it's time to go to school " zoe said shaking me lightly

I turned  on my back and yawned then got up slowly to her bathroom to pee

I looked  in the mirror and looked like a mess , my hair was all over the place
I looked like a caveman or cavewomen?

When I was done I went out and saw Zoe putted out clothes for me
The only clothes I had was from yesterday and the top I bought
I didn't mind putting on the same clothes , its not like I hadn't before

It was a high waisted shorts and a black hoodie
Now let me tell you that outfit was hot , but not for me
I'm insecure asf and I still have a few scars and marks on em

" Zoe I can't wear that "

She looked at me weirdly then she had that ' oh ' face

" but you'll look so cute "

" it wont look cute on me "

" yes it will , let your hair loose "

" it's my legs "

" let me see em " she said looking at my legs

I didn't want to show her but I did anyway
She just smiled

" your legs are fine , there's no marks only a few healed scars "

I looked in the mirror and it was true , the marks were gone but there was ugly scars that made me insecure

" it's just the scars , i don't want to wear that "

She looked at me and sighed then took out a nice tight jeans that would fit me and show my small curves

I took that and said thank you and putted it on , I let my hair in a messy bun , brushed my teeth , washed my face and I was ready to go


We got to school but Mattia wasn't waiting by the gate like he usually does , it was Alvaro

Zoe automatically rolled her eyes

Apparently at a party Zoe caught Alvaro touching a girl sexually on the couch so she broke up with him without his explanation . she still had feelings for him but she lost em

What would you do  in that situation
It must be shit

" hey beautiful " Alvaro said smiling at me , before I could say anything Zoe interrupted

" Bitch she has a man , dont eve-"

" I wasn't talking to you " Alvaro said rolling  his eyes , I just stood there awkwardly looking around if I can see Mattia

" Mattias not going to be at school today " Alvaro said

" oh , why"

" he had plans with someone , idk ask him " Alvaro said smiling at me

Mattia would have called me or something but I shrugged it off and just took out my phone and started texting him

Mattia Polibio ❤️🦖:

Goodnight  ❤️ .
Seen at 23:43

Today :

Morning ugly , are you coming to school today ?

Morning blue , no I'm not


I'm sick :(

Oh , um okay?
Im coming to you after school , do you want mcd?



Is he lieing to me or telling the truth?

Because Alvaro said his meeting up with someone-


" bell rang , I'll see ya later " Alvaro said patting my head playfully while I just rolled my eyes

" I hate that mf " Zoe cussed

" chill , anyways let's go to class "

943 words 

mine and mine only // Mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now