chapter 40:

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Where are y'all from?

Avas POV :

" BITCH ARE YOU FRR?????!!!!"

I winced as she screamed in my ear through the phone


I was currently telling Zoe everything that happened in Mattias room while Mattia was downstairs

" im angry..."

" why " I said laughing

'' HE STOLE MY MF WIFE , TF YOU MEAN WHY?! " She said fake crying

" calm down I'll always be yours "

Mattia came in the room with his mouth open

" its Zoe " I said laughing then he chuckled

" suppp dick face " Zoe said to Mattia with her tounge sticking out

" hi zoe " he said sitting down next to me

" how's the weather up there ?"

" very hot " he replied laughing

" can't believe you stole my wife " she said sniffing

" she was never yours tho "

Zoe's face was the most funniest thing ever

" anywazzz , come to my house tomorrow bitch we never hanged in a long time "

Which was true , I was so busy with work and Mattia I never really hanged with Zoe

Dang I sound like a hoe

" of course bitch "

" you better where my favorite set of lingerineshe said licking her lips

Mattia was just watching us with wide eyes

" the red one right? " I said winking

" oh yes baby "

" bet "

" gay " Mattia whispered as if we didn't hear

" the fuck you say dumb bitch?" Zoe asked  rudely with her eyebrows raised

" nothing dang " Mattia said laughing

" can't wait ooofff , we must go shopping "

" we should, I need more clothes "

" my aesthetic bestiee!!"

I love this dumb bitch
Who would know that day I punched her in the boob that we would be best friends

(Laughed at my own writing 😭💔)

" anyways I gotta go , dont make babies " she said sticking her tounge out

" you didn't say I should promise so..."Mattia said scratching his neck smirking while I just flushed red

" babes chill-
Keep it in your pants "

He just laughed

" bye hottie , I'll see you tomorrow " I said kissing the phone

" peacceeeeshe said then hanged up


" she's crazy " Mattia said laughing

" yeah " I said laughing

" come , my mom  made dinner " he said pulling my hand lightly

I left my phone on charger and walked with him downstairs to see only his mom and brother at the table

His father must be working

" hello sweetheart " her mom said to me smiling bright

She knows cisuciejcjfjf

We sat at the table and I thanked her , we prayed and started eating

" I'm glad my son is with a beautiful , kind hearted girl like you " her mom said looking at me and Mattia smiling

" ..Mattia was so nervous , he even asked me how to plan the perfect date " she said laughing while Mattia almost chocked on his food

" really mom "

" I told him to do it at a carnival , that's where his father asked me my hand in marriage "

" that's so cute " I said pouting

" and it was was amazing , I dont think I'll forget this day " I said smiling and flicking Mattia on the forehead while he winced

" why u like flicking my forehead ?" He said rubbing his head while I just chuckled

We continued talking about Mattias mom and dads date through dinner , when we were done I helped wash the dishes and went upstairs with Mattia

" my mom fr loves you , probably even more than me"

" never " I said and squashed his checks

I was about to go take a shower when

" can I join?"

I looked at him with a bitchy look

" whaaat , saving water? " he said smiling like a child of god

" mmno" I said and locked the door


I layed in the blankets almost asleep when I felt a depth in the bed

Mattias fatass

" fatass " I mumbled sleeply

" tired? " he asked

" no shit "

" come here " he said and layed his arms out

" no " I chuckled and turned around

" Puttana " he cussed

" oh so I'm a bitch ? " I asked turning around once again to face him

" you know Italian?"

" only a little " I laughed then snuggled in his arms

He kissed my forehead

" goodnight princess "

" night tia "

And with that I drifted off to sleep smiling my ass off

I risked my sleep for this chapter
Who knew chapters take so long to write damn

mine and mine only // Mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now