Episode 33 (IEGO)

559 18 0

Kidou: Amagi, get off the pitch.

Amagi: Gomen kantoku. Let me try again-

Kidou: Go back home.

Amagi: *did as he was told*

Runsia: Harsh.

Edna: Why he gotta be so rude~?

Kidou: (U-_-)


Yuuichi: *trying to walk*

Tsurugi: *worried*

Edna: *stalks* Hehehe... *takes pictures of the Tsurugi Brothers*

Runsia: Fan girl moment for her...

Aoba: Let's leave them to have their bro time.

Edna: Like hello...

Addie: ?

Edna: Like hell to the no.

Runsia: You stole my joke!

Edna: :P


No fresh ideas... and i borrowed a few jokes from my friend's books. I did not steal them!

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