Episode 2 (IEGO)

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*Shindou walks in with the rest of the team*

Shindou: Who are you?

Kudou: He's a SEED sent by Fifth Sector.

Runsia: Pffffffffft... *chuckles*

Sangoku: Damnit Runsia! You ruined the shot!

Runsia: I'm sorry! But when Kudou said Tsurugi was a SEED, i can't help but to think of-BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Raimon: *confused*

Aoba: I think she's talking about the seeds you use for planting.

Raimon: *anime-fell*

Runsia: *rolling around the field, laughing*


*Tsurugi kicked the ball and destroyed the old raimon club room*

Tsurugi: Do you accept the challange now?

Shindou: Grrr... Fine!

*inside the soccer building* *Kuro no Kishidan appears* *match begins*

Minamisawa: *shoots the ball* *shot got blocked*

Aoba: Damn. Tsurugi could get that in with a normal shoot.

Runsia: Hey Edna, why do you torture him when you like him so much?

Tsurugi: You're breaking the fourth wall again!

Edna: We know! That's why bloopers are so much fun!

Others: *sweat-drop*


Tsurugi: *let's out Keshin* Kensei Lancelot!

Tenma: Shindou-senpai, don't give up on soccer!

Shindou: *stands up* *brings out Keshin* Sousha Maestro!

*both gets ready for Keshin battle*

Edna: Ok! That's a rap!

Tsurugi: Finaly! I'm getting tired of repeating the same scenes over and over again!

Aoba: Well, you keep breaking the fourth wall so we didn't have a choice!

Kuroki Zenzou: Actually, you were the ones who made us broke the fourth wall.

Addie: Who cares? At least it's fixed.

Runsia: Um Addie, we didn't mean that type of wall.

Addie: ...I am such a retard.

Edna: You're not the only one buddy.


Addie: Thinking back about our past self makes me think of how dumb we were.

Edna: I know right? We are such retards.

Runsia: And you just posted that for all your readers to see...

Aoba: It's not like your not a retard. You posted about what you think of the countries in that Randomtalia book of yours.

Runsia: Don't judge me!

Edna: Anyway, i hope you enjoy the second episode's bloopers!

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