Episode 23 (IEGO Galaxy)

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Zanakurou: *uses his SOUL* *turns to Lion*

Addie: Kyoya would be proud.

Runsia: Yeah. Beyblade crossover with Inazuma. We should do that sometime.

Addie: *nods*


*in Tsurugi's room* *bell rings*

Tsurugi: *looks away from his tab* *stands up* *answers the door* Who's there?

*door opens* *Mannuba (Fake Tsurugi) is at the door*

Tsurugi: *shock* What the...?!

Mannuba: *touch his forehead*

Tsurugi: *faints*

Edna: You don't look that similar.

Mannuba: Who cares kid?

Aoba: *jumps down from the cieling* *covers his eyes with a rope*

Mannuba: Hey! Get off! *tries to get Aoba off*

Aoba: Aw hell naw! Surprise motherfuka. *smirks*

Mannuba: Grr! Damnit how does the real one survive this?!

Tsurugi: *secretly laughing in the back ground* Welcome to my world. You're gonna face all MY problems now.

Mannuba: ..... *looks at Ozrock* Why did i agree to do this again?

Ozrock: Just do so.

Mannuba: Fine...

Edna: We are going to have a LOT of fun!


Mannuba is going to get tortured by us! Nuff said.

But this whole show is gonna start getting awkward.

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