A Lover Christmas

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"Can we leave the Christmas lights up till January?" Quinn asks, collapsing on the sofa beside him.

Niall wraps his arm around her, a kiss to her temple. "This is our house. We make the rules."

Quinn decides that she loves that. She smiles at him, tilting his chin down just a smidge to kiss his lips. She misses, kissing the corner of his mouth instead. Niall's hand finds her hair, smoothing out the frizz her hat left behind.

"Usually we spend Christmas in Ireland," Niall says.

"Yeah," Quinn agrees.

It just doesn't work out this year. Niall's cases always pick up around the holidays and Quinn wasn't going to spend a Christmas without him. She simply wouldn't. And not back home either. They'd barely found the time to decorate their house.

Which, Quinn looks around admiring the place. She'd never have guessed they'd wind up in a house together. Everyone that has observed them in the last two years saw this coming. Quinn was as surprised as she was when they moved into their first flat together. This time it felt less like a trick and required less compromise.

Quinn admires the Christmas tree breathing deeply as Niall's fingers trail down her cheek. He taps her chin and Quinn turns her head to look at him. He smiles, the toothy one that Quinn remembers from their childhood. Quinn smiles back, a laugh escaping her lips just as her smile widens. Matching toothy grins.

"Love you," Niall says, a fact.

"Love you," Quinn answers, the whole truth. Niall pulls her in for a kiss.

Quinn would admit the last two years were full of ups and downs. They had a handful of fights, one almost break ups and a lot of makeups. For that, she was grateful, eternally so. Niall has remained true to his first word, that he'd make space and time for her in his life. He tries his best.

Long nights where Quinn went to sleep alone and woke up alone. She felt his absence when he got lost in a case. Sometimes she let her anger get the best of her. Sometimes Quinn needed more. She gave him those confessions after arguments that sent her into rage. Niall matched her anger ferociously. They made up. Always.

Those arguments were far and few between. More good days than bad. More happy and laughing than screaming crying. Quinn was much better at the screaming crying part than she's willing to admit.

But now it was Christmas and all that was important to Quinn was that she had him, her Niall that she had all those years ago and somehow found again. This time in new ways.

New ways like kissing on the sofa, kissing in the refrigerator light, in the shower, in the doorway before he leaves. Kissing everywhere because Quinn never wanted to stop kissing him.

The kiss breaks and Quinn opens her eyes, meeting his blues. Niall brushes the hair from her eyes, licking his lips, "so," he says. "For Christmas I think we should order out."

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