Part 5

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Warning: NSFW (no readers under 18 please)


The events of last night flashed in Quinn's mind. She rolled over feeling Niall's breathing hit her neck. She opened her eyes, blinking the sleep away. Niall's arm was thrown loosely over her waist. Quinn let her eyes slip shut for a moment.

The feelings she had came rushing back to her. The touch of his fingertips on her skin. The way his voice vibrated against her body. The thoughts sent a thrill down her spine.

Quinn pulled the duvet up to her chin, letting her eyes slip shut. Niall's phone rang out startling him away. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. He reached over blindly, grabbing his phone. "Hello?"

Quinn rolled over to look at him. He was running his fingers through his hair. "I thought they said that couldn't happen?" He said. A beat of silence. "Tomorrow? That wasn't supposed to be until Friday."

"Fuck," Niall breathed out. "Yeah I can...." he trailed off. His shoulders fell. He nodded. "I can come in today. No it's not a problem."

"It's not," Niall repeated, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'll be in. Just need an hour. Yeah. I'll see you then."

Niall tossed his phone onto the bed, rubbing his forehead. He looked over his shoulder at Quinn who was already looking at him. He slid back into bed, wrapping his arms around Quinn's waist.

"What are you doing?" Quinn asked, laughing. "Don't you have to go in?"

"Yeah," Niall breathed out, dropping a kiss to her shoulder. "In an hour. I've got like twenty more minutes of this." He hummed, tightening his arms around her waist. "Maybe twenty five more."

Quinn smiled, rolling over to look up at him. "Really?"

"Yeah," Niall nodded. He brushed a strand of hair from her eyes. He pressed a kiss to Quinn's forehead. "It can wait. I'm a new man."

"Are ya now?" Quinn asked, amused.

"Mhmm," Niall hummed, nodding his head. "I am. New priorities and all that."

"That's wonderful news," Quinn murmured. "But I don't want to keep you from anything important."

"I can spare twenty minutes," he told her, brushing his fingers down her cheek. "So talk t'me. Ya alright? Feeling okay after last night. No..." he trailed off, searching her eyes. "Regrets. Or bad feelings?"

Quinn shook her head, a smile spreading over her face. "No bad feelings. Only good ones."

"Good," Niall smiled, kissing her on the cheek. "Same here."

"Good," Quinn echoed, lifting her eyes to look at him.

"Pretty girl," Niall murmured. He ran his fingers through her hair again. "What are your plans for this week?"

Quinn hummed, thinking about what was coming up. "Not too much," she told him. "The usual, I reckon."

"Very nice," Niall commented. "We have to get dinner this week."

"Sounds a plan," Quinn nodded. "Have your people call my people."

Niall laughed, head bumping against hers. "Shut up."

"I was being serious," Quinn laughed, nudging him away. "Shit Niall don't have your people call my people then."

Niall laughed as she rolled away from him. Quinn gave him a look somewhere between a scowl and a pout. "Come on," he laughed.

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