EXTRA: The Quarentine One

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Quinn rolled over, rubbing her eyes. Her eyes adjusted to the sunlight leaking through the blinds. She wanted to curse Niall for always doing that in the morning but she reasoned it was probably something she should revisit after a cup of coffee.

It was a secret she'd never tell, but Quinn loved Niall's coffee. She preferred it over her own, even. It would go to his head if he knew.

While Quinn brushed her teeth, she thought about the coffee already made, just waiting for her in the kitchen. The thought of Niall in the kitchen, pulled her from her thoughts.

It was shameless the way she missed him sometimes. The way she felt his absence two rooms away. Quinn almost felt foolish for thinking it.

Quinn put her toothbrush away and went back into their room. On her way out, she tugged a sweatshirt over her head. She felt sluggish and groggy, not quite awake yet.

All the thoughts in her head tumbled out when she walked into the kitchen. Niall was sweatpants clad in front of his computer, a pen between his teeth.

"Lover," Niall sang, dropping his pen on the table. He reached his arm out, pulling Quinn in. "I've been waiting for you to wake up forever."

Quinn laughed as he kissed at her neck. It was a little after ten and she probably would have slept longer if the blinds were closed. Quinn decided to forgive him for opening them up.

They've been quarantined for nearly a month and Quinn stopped feeling like she was going crazy. The terms of their living became unspoken the longer this went on.

Niall worked in the kitchen most of the day. Quinn would find herself switching between the couch and the bed. Her boredom manifested into freelance writing online. It kept her busy enough to take her mind off of things.

Niall pulled Quinn from her thoughts, pressing a kiss to her neck. He'd been experimenting with his beard, growing it out sporadically. Quinn had to admit she loved it.

"Sleep well?" Niall asked, hand sliding beneath her layers to pad at her back.

"Well enough," Quinn nodded, smiling down at him. There was a laugh bubbling up in her belly, she could feel it.

Niall hummed, looking up at her, eyes soft. He looked tired. Quinn brushed her fingers over his cheek, ready to kiss him soundly on the lips for the first time in what felt like ages.

"Want to go for a walk today?" Niall asked, his touched become less soft, more firm on her back. "Or a run?"

That's when the laugh fell from her lips, and she disentangled herself from him. She shook her head, making her way toward the coffee pot. "I am not running. Not today or any day."

Niall let out a sigh, sitting up. He closed his laptop and shut his notebook. "Come on, lover."

"No way," Quinn murmured, pouring herself a cup. "There are other ways to get your cardio in."

Niall let out a laugh, standing up. "Right," he murmured, a sly smile on his lips. "Other ways to get cardio in. You mean, sex"

"I meant the bike you just bought," Quinn laughed. "Or the elliptical you have crammed in your closet?"

"But you mean like sex," Niall repeated as he walked out of the room. "Jesus Quinn. Have some self control."

Quinn shook her head, watching him walk out. There were moments where all Quinn could do was shake her head and smile an achey cheek smile at him. That, she thought, is just how much she loved him.

Quinn finished making her coffee, sipping it against the counter. By the time she'd woken up properly, Niall was back in the kitchen, in a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt. "Whenever you're ready, babe," he said, sitting back down at the table, picking up where he left off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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