Part 8

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The first time Quinn hugged Evie in nearly two months it was a magical moment that left her cheeks aching. Evie nearly tackled her to the ground, toppling them both over onto the kitchen floor.

Quinn laughed, rolling onto the floor. Evie was reaching for her blindly, her boisterous laugh echoing through the kitchen.

"Jesus, Evie," Quinn laughed, sitting up. "Could've picked a softer surface to do this."

"I missed you too much," Evie smiled, head tilting to the side.

"I missed you too," Quinn smiled. She vowed to herself she would not get emotional over it.

Evie picked herself up, taking Quinn's luggage. "I will do all of your laundry, Quinn don't even worry. And if you want the bed to yourself I completely understand."

"Don't be silly," Quinn chuckled, following her down the hall. "I love sharing the bed with you."

Evie pushed her bedroom door open, letting Quinn go first. She walked in, mouth falling open. Evie had a rollout bed set up on the floor below her bed.

"Evie," Quinn laughed, looking over her shoulder at her. "You didn't have to."

"Well I figured we're closer to thirty than we are twenty and it's no longer cute to be sharing a bed like this," Evie chuckled, shrugging. "And when Niall comes over I can roll it out to the living room. It's a logical solution."

"That's so sweet," Quinn smiled.

"And I have some news!" Evie exclaimed, setting Quinn's suitcase on the floor. "I have been training with my yoga instructor to get certified. She said they're looking for new teachers all the time."

"No way!" Quinn exclaimed. "That's incredible."

"I know," Evie nodded, a grin on her face. "I'm so excited. I can't believe I wasted so much of my life in an office when I could have been doing this."

"Well to be fair yoga hasn't quite made it back home yet," Quinn chuckled.

"I know," Evie laughed, shrugging. "But yeah that's all the exciting news I have."

They headed for the door. Quinn wrapped her arm around Evie. "It is the most exciting news. By far."

"Nuh uh," Evie sang, pulling them onto the sofa. "I want to hear all about the weekend you and Niall spent together a few weeks ago."

"Right," Quinn chuckled, rubbing her forehead. "There's not a whole lot to tell."

"No fuckin way!" Evie exclaimed, pushing her gently. "I need details."

"Okay," Quinn laughed, pulling her knees into her chest. "We went out to a nice dinner on Saturday and then obviously we went back to the hotel."

"and did ya fuck?" Evie asked in a whisper.

"Why are you whispering," Quinn laughed, covering her face with her hands. "He's not here he can't hear you."

Evie laughed, sitting back. "Quinn he knows everything. He's a lawyer he probably has this room bugged."

"Definitely not," Quinn laughed. "But yes we did fuck."

"How was it?" Evie asked. "Honest answers only."

"Okay," Quinn smiled. She took a deep breath. "Honestly, if it was bad I wouldn't be able to tell because I am so fucking into him it's ridiculous."

Evie grinned, "that's incredible. But it was good, right?"

"Oh yeah," Quinn nodded seriously. "I was practically raw by the time he left on Monday. I couldn't touch myself for days."

"Fuck," Evie laughed, head rolling back. "That's so food for you."

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