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When I opened my eyes, I was on to floor on some cot.

I couldn't even focus on the fact that my head was pounding because I caught a glimpse of someones familiar short black curls in front of me. 

I didn't even hesitate to jump up and place his head on my lap.

"Finally, you're up" He groaned

Blood drooled from his mouth and his eyes were low.

"I told you to stay away Bell" I whispered

"Yeah well someone had to bring you in after you fainted." He chuckled which made me smile.

"And look where that got you Bell, you're sick because of me" I pouted

He gave me a weak smile and began shaking from the chills probably.

I quickly took my jacket off and placed it over him.

"You're gonna get cold" He fought.

"I feel better. You need it more than me" I smiled as I rubbed his arms up and down.

"Where's O?" I asked

He didn't move at all from his position on my lap but instead faced upward in a more comfortable position for the both of us.

"Murphy released her for a break after she was up all night helping people" He explained

I looked over towards Murphy who was giving a girl a sip from a cup.

"That's nice of him." I stated

"Don't tell me you trust him now" He scoffed which made me roll my eyes.

"No. I haven't forgotten about the way he was ready to slice my neck open. But, if we're gonna survive out here, we need as many fighters as possible, even if one of them has to be Murphy." I once more touched the scar on my neck.

I looked back down at him and he instantly brought his hand up to my neck and touched softly over the ragged cut that felt sensitive.

"I won't let him hurt you ever again okay?" He promised 

I smiled down at him before grabbing a cloth and wetting it with a bit of water and cleaning off the blood that stained his face.

Once the blood was gone, I hunched over a placed a soft kiss on his lips. At this point, I didn't care if anyone was watching us, we're probably gonna die before anyone has a chance to say anything.

Once he felt like he had more energy, he explained to me the plan about the bridge and the homemade bomb Raven had built and how they were gonna set it off to delay the grounders.

By the time I was done helping Clarke finish up with the rest of the sick people, I was tired. 

I was definitely stronger than before but I was still tired nonetheless.

Bellamy slept almost the entire night and when he woke up he was back to bossing everyone around.

Clarke informed me that I no longer had that sick look on my face and I could thankfully say the same about her.

Unfortunately not the same luck for Bellamy but he looked good and healthier than before.

It was early. We were gathering everyone around when a sudden explosion caught us all off guard.  We looked in the sky and saw the giant grey smoke covering the sky completely from our view. 

They did it.

While we waited for the group to return from their big mission, we cleaned up the drop ship and carried all the dead bodies outside and onto a pile that we would bury later on.

When they finally arrived, Jasper and Monty were getting the praise they deserved and I even caught myself smiling when I overheard Jasper tell Monty to not let it get in his head.

"Thanks for putting me in my place. I'll try to do the same if Monty gets too cocky" Jasper laughed as he pointed over at Monty who was telling everyone how the whole bomb went down.

Clarke was fixing up Raven who by the looks of it was the last one to get the virus.

I helped Bellamy bury the bodies along with three other guys.

14 graves.

14 extra graves, I should say.

That's how many I couldn't save.

"You couldn't do anything Ana. You did your best" Bellamy said as I stood over the graves.

"14 of them though" I whimpered

"Yeah, but you saved everyone else." 

I looked up at him and nodded.

"C'mon. We should get some sleep. Wanna be energized when we're kicking grounder ass" I chuckled as I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the camp and into his tent.

After two eventful days. I was ready for some sleep.

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