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"Hey hold up! What's the rush? You don't survive a spear to the heart." Bell's voice rang through the trees.

We turned around and saw Bell holding up his gun with a smirk on his face.

"Put the gun away Bellamy" Wells confronted him, standing in front of us.

"Why don't you do something about it?" Murphy asked pushing him backwards.

"Jasper screamed when they moved him. Meaning he wasn't struck in the heart. We don't have time to waste let's go." Clarke argued as we turned back around.

"As soon you take this wristband off, we can go." Bell tried grabbing her wrist.

I quickly pushed him backwards, "Back the hell off Bellamy." 

"The only way the ark is going to think I'm dead, is if I'm dead." she said.

"You think you're so brave huh?" Bell said looking at her with almost anger.

"Y'all call this a rescue party? We gotta split up and cover more ground, Clarke come with me." Finns voice spoke from behind the guys.

"I think that's a perfect idea, Ana, come with me." Bell tried instructing.

"I'd rather take a spear through the heart" I sent him a fake smile

I tried walking a different direction but once again, someones familiar touch grabbed ahold of me before I could even take a further step.

"Murphy, Wells, go that way." Bell pointed towards another direction.

"Ana?" Wells asked me

"It's fine Wells. Go." I said with a genuine smile. The last thing I wanted was for Wells to get hurt, even if that meant having to endure being around Bellamy for a few.

He eyed me before nodding and walking away with Murphy.

I looked over to Bellamy who still had his arm on my arm. Quickly I yanked my arm away and began walking away from him.

"I told you to never touch me again." I stated furiously. 

"Listen princess, I was holding you back for your own good. You think Murphy wouldn't hesitate to hurt you? Because trust me he wouldn't." He began walking faster so he could catch up to me.

"Don't try and act like you were looking out for me Bellamy. We all know you were only trying to stop me from interfering some big fight you wanted everyone to see. And stop calling me that." I scoffed.

"What? You don't like princess? Alright, how about sunshine? You know since you're always so happy" the sarcasm in his voice was clear as the day.

"Maybe Ana Banana? That sounds fun doesn't it? Or maybe queen? You know since it looks like you wouldn't hesitate to chop my head off if you were the queen." He tried laughing.

"How about you shove all those nicknames up your ass Bellamy." I sped up my steps.

"No thanks" He smirked.

"Well it wasn't a question." 

"C'mon are you really mad because I tried protecting you from Murphy?" He asked once again catching up to me.

"Honestly Bellamy, are you actually that stupid or are you joking? Please stop pretending you held me back for 'my own good'. You wanted everyone in that little area to think you were punishing me for trying to defend Wells. You didn't do shit for me besides piss me off. You were willing to let Murphy kill Wells just so you could get people to follow your little cult." I stopped where I was to face him.

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