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Happy 50th babyyyyyyy!!


By the time I helped get Lincoln to the drop ship with O and Bell and ran to the ark station and brought Clarke back with me, I don't even know how many hours had gone by.

I didn't want to be too obvious that we were back because I knew Abby would start asking questions, so I snuck in when there was this whole speech going on and quickly grabbed Clarke, ran through everything that happened in just those few hours and asked her to come with me, which she gladly did.

It was weird seeing the drop ship like this. So empty, so alone.

It was surrounded by grass now. I mean before yeah, there was grass, but now, everywhere we stepped, grass would be underneath us. I guess since no one was stepping on it every minute, it had time to grow.

"So, you said it was Lincoln? Is he sick or what had happened?" She asks me again.

"I-" She cut me off immediately.

"Sorry, I know you explained already, I just heard you needed my help and hung onto that." She said, her eyes, focusing on the trees around us.

"It's okay...are you okay?" I diverted the subject onto her.

"It's just weird" She started. "Jaha's back and I don't know, everything else that was said" She explained and I stopped in my tracks. "Jaha's here? I thought-" I was really confused now, and I could see why she looked like she was off the rails.

"Thought he was still up in space, dead? Yeah, so did I. But I saw him, he's alive as can be. It's a lot to explain, so I won't bother." She huffed as we reached the drop ship.

"Listen, it's gonna be a little hectic in there. He's...restrained but just keep your distance or he'll try to bite your finger off or something" I warned before pushing aside the sheet that separated the outside from the inside of the drop ship.

She didn't respond, instead she held onto her kit tighter and began climbing up the ladder.

I felt her flinch when she reached the top, right before Lincoln tried throwing himself at her.

"So we're back to this huh?" She said, I think it was more for herself than to any of us.

"Can you guys help him?" O called out from the floor of the third level.

"We'll do our best" I sent her a reassuring smile, she was probably really scared but I didn't want to give her false hope, I wasn't even sure what we were dealing with, for all we know, trying anything could make things much more worse.

The second we tried getting closer to Lincoln, his bloodshot eyes burned through mine, as he tried everything he could to free himself from the restraints.

"What happened to his leg?" Clarke asked, I turned around to shake my head at her but Octavia had already heard it, I know it hurt her to have to shoot him back at the garage, but she had to try and stop him somehow.

"I shot him" O muttered, focusing on the floor once more.

I turned back around and focused on Lincoln besides his constant growling and grunting at me for every step I took that was closer to him.

"Wait, guys?" I broke the awkward silence between us all.

"What do you see?" Clarke asked, stepping closer to him.

"Shine the light on his neck" I ordered them and immediately O flashed the light on his neck, right where I was looking.

His neck portrayed several needle marks, they were bruising all types of colors, like some were healing and others had barely been injected into him.

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