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Once again it felt like hours of walking back to camp.

Bell and I didn't talk for the rest of the walk back home. Besides the occasional 'no' he would immediately send my way when I offered to help carry the giant jaguar they were carrying.

No one really spoke on our way back. I would say it's because we were tired but part of me also knew it was due to everything we had experienced in such a short amount of time.

Once the sun had disappeared, we heard the chatting grow louder and louder as we reached camp. Everyone cheered once they saw us back and surrounded us. I wouldn't blame their excitement, after all, they hadn't ate in almost a full day and a half.

"Who's hungry!" Bell's voice rang through the crowd as him and Murphy dropped the jaguar to the ground earning some very excited cheers from all around.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the drop ship where Finn and Wells had begun setting Jasper down.

I kneeled on the ground next to Clarke and began cleaning Jasper from his wounds.

Although my stomach was begging for food, I didn't have the guts to go out there and eat. Not when Jasper was in such pain and clearly struggling to stay alive.

From the smell of it, I could tell they had already begun cooking up the jaguar. I won't lie and say it didn't smell amazing but I certainly couldn't leave Jasper alone.

Clarke had left not long ago with Finn to get food, while I stayed with Jasper and Monty inside the drop ship. Every once in a while, wiping away the sweat that would form on his forehead.

"You should go get something to eat Ana, you haven't ate since we landed." Monty tried 

"I'm okay. I'll eat when I know Jaspers okay." 

"He's as good as he's gonna get, go on." He sent me a smile.

"That's okay Monty, you go ahead, I'll catch up in a bit." I answered as I pointed to the entry with my head.

I know he hadn't ate either and although yes I was hungry, I don't know why I couldn't bring myself to get food.

It was either the fact that I was too worried about Jasper or the fact that I didn't really feel like coming face to face with Bell. Not after everything that had happened that day.

Monty sent me a small nod and walked out of the drop ship, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

My peaceful time didn't last very long when I heard the familiar heavy footsteps of Bellamy walking in.

"Here princess,  I know your ego is too big to let you come get some food." He said, darting my attention towards him.

He held a stick with huge amount of food on one end, down towards me.

"Bell, that's a lot. Give it to someone who's really hungry" I tried as I pushed his hand away and got up and dusted off the dirt on my jeans.

"Everyone already ate, there's even some left over, really, take it" he said, once again handing me the stick.

I sighed loudly and took the stick from his hand, staring down at the food.

"How is he?" He asked as he looked down at Jasper.

I took a bite of the food and almost immediately felt my insides melt at the feeling. Was it even safe to eat this? Who cares. If I died right now, at least I'd die with good food in my system.

"He's...okay. Without proper medicine, I don't know how long he'll last." I replied as I sat in one of the seats.

"How'd you learn to do that?" He asked me as he pointed to Jasper.

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