Darkness: the Black Out Chapter 3

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That day I was woken again by my mother's annoying voice. I opened my eyes and got up. It was still hard for me to accept the reality that I was autistic. It meant that the feeling I had was not what I thought it was. So I tried to push it away. But I still felt terrible. After going to the wardrobe and getting my clothes out, I went into the kitchen where my mother was waiting with a breakfast she had made for me. Sitting on a wooden chair, which was quite uncomfortable, I ate my breakfast and went to school. As I walked out the door, I had the same strange feeling as the day before. At that moment I did not know why. Of course, I did not know that it was melancholy because I would not see my parents again. How could I know that this world would change completely in a few hours? That the world would be different when I returned home today. Little did I know that this would be our last dinner together. All the quarrels we had now would become completely unimportant in the next few days. On my way to school, I ran into that strange boy again and sighed. Was I doomed to see him every day? Or was it a curse? I asked him what he wanted and he said he just wanted to say hello. This day was off to a bad start and I did not want it to get any worse. But if I thought about it like that, then every day had a bad start. So I asked the strange boy what he wanted from me. He said he had just come to see how I was getting on with my life. When I asked him about the things I had found out yesterday, he put his finger to his mouth and said that everyone had their secrets. I was annoyed.

After waiting with bated breath in front of the large school building, I entered the school and walked through the huge entrance hall as usual. A few students looked at me. Even though I was used to it because of the way I dressed, it still made me nervous. When I saw the group of students, I shivered. For some reason, I did not like people staring at my clothes. It always made me feel awful. I hurried past them and heard them giggling as I walked silently down the corridor. Were they laughing at me? Somehow their giggling voices made me feel awful. That was why I suddenly became nervous. Just beyond the corridor in the new yellow school building was my round classroom. I always thought it was pretty cool to be taught in a room like that. After opening the door, I entered the classroom and sat down on an uncomfortable wooden chair. But the form looked quite new. After sitting down, I waited for the teacher to come in. When the lesson started, I listened quietly to the teacher as usual and worked hard as usual. The next class was Chemistry and Biology, which was on the second floor. From this floor you could see the whole entrance hall. The walls were plastered with other students' projects. I looked at them with interest. They were quite good. I used to read them in the breaks when I was bored. Then our teacher came and unlocked the door and the lesson began.

I have left the classroom of my school, we had Maths, English and some other subjects today. Hey Andy, hey Alex, I said hello to the two friends I visited yesterday. I asked them if they would like to meet me this weekend. They said they would check the calendar and try to find a suitable date. Then I went to my bench to eat my lunch. While I was eating my lunch, Jacob and Caleb arrived. I quickly put down my lunch box and stood up. I confronted them, but they did not listen to me. They just kicked me down and sat on the bench. When I recovered and stood up, they just laughed at me. While they were beating me up as usual, I wished I was a strong man who could defend himself. Suddenly I felt every cell in my body vibrate. It was a completely new sensation. A feeling I had never experienced before. That was when the strange other boy came and saved me a third time. The strange new feeling He pulled Jacob and Caleb away from the bench and motioned for me to sit down on the bench, which I did. Then he shielded me with his body and protected me from their blows. The boy said he had saved me because he believed in me, and he knocked Jacob and Caleb out with a few quick punches. I was so grateful that I could not speak for a few seconds. Caleb and his sidekick Jacob ran off. I blushed as I thanked him for saving me three times in a row. He was getting nervous too. It was somehow refreshing to see that this boy had human feelings. The boy told me not to waste my gifts fighting them.

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