Darkness: The Vision of Alice

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Day 37: 26th april 2027

On my way home from school, I met someone. „Alice "it was James. „Come to the great place "he said.

It was 16:00.

I was at the great place waiting for James. Suddenly a great blue light covered all of us. After that I was standing in a great hexagonal room. Many working computers were in the middle. At it was a great digital clock showing the time.

Now it was 16:10.

At the wall stood a great mirror. „Hello Alice " There were James, Tyler, John and Alicia and some I don't know. „W-Where am I?" I was asking him. „At the AMO headquarter „James said. „Why is this mirror there at the wall? " I wondered myself about it „This is the mirror of truth "Tyler said „It should show your future but nothing happens" John added. I looked up to the clock

Later, it was 16:40.

I looked at the place where the mirror stood beside it was a blade. „Whose blade is that? " I asked. „mine "Tyler answered „but you can have it if you want " I will take it even if I never use it because it feels good to have a second option if something happens I thought. „thank you"I said took the sword and the globe. And teleported myself home. I locked the sword in my room and looked up to the clock.

At that Moment, it was 17:30.

I drunk something then I returned to the HQ of the Anti-Morlock -Organization. Was it right? Is it really showing my future? I have to find out. I slowly walked to the mirror... And touched it with the tip of my finger... Suddenly all and everything was covered in darkness. And the bottom suddenly vanished. After that I started falling into the darkness. I heard voices whispering my name. I kept falling and falling and falling into the darkness. I suddenly knelt down on the hard floor. I was on a small rock. After standing up I saw a wide blue sea. When I looked around, I saw that this was the only piece of land around. It was barely big enough to stand on. But suddenly the water became darker and darker. After that it started bubbling and in the complete sea dark silhouettes were approaching from it-shadows. They came closer and closer. My heart started pounding. What should I do? What should I do? Suddenly a sword appeared beside me. I took it. And after that I heard a dark voice. „Will you protect Mankind no matter what happens? No matter what you have to give?" „Yes I will "I answered. And suddenly I saw pictures of a battle I saw Tyler being killed by the shadows. After that... The picture Changed-I stood in an alley-a dead end to be exact. James, Mia and John were with me. He started grinning wryly. After that he grabbed into his pocket... And got something out-something black. Suddenly James and Mia lie down on the ground-dead. I was holding a weapon in my hands. Blood was spilling out of James body... After that everything went whiteI suddenly saw the huge face of the Black Raven. Suddenly I was back in the room again. Did I doze off? I asked myself. And suddenly some electric force smashed me against the wall. „DIE ALICE "„DIE" I heard that voices echoing in my head again. „If you had a vision-then you are it the one. The girl that will free us from the Morlocks."Tyler said. „Whoa... "I was stunned. This must be a mistake I silently thought that moment. „There has to be something wrong. You took the wrong one "I said. „No if you had a vision then you are it "Tyler answered calm. „But I... I..." I didn't know how I should tell him that if that what I'd seen was right he was going to die soon. James came to us and he said: „What you had seen was only purposed for you " I didn't know what to answer. „I-I have to go home "I said hastily. But before that you maybe want to see someone James added. „Hello Alice " I knew that voice-it was my sister Mia. Now that our parents were dead she must be a member of the ASO. „Go now if you want but you will come back "James said. I grabbed the teleport ball and concentrated myself. And suddenly I was back in my room again. I went into the kitchen and looked up to the clock.

Darkness:the Alice Chronicles 1-The TransformationWhere stories live. Discover now