Darkness: Omen Chapter 1

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The next day, I awoke early in the morning and wandered through the house aimlessly in the early morning. It was very creep. Sometimes I thought I had seen someone. While I wondered what had woken me, I turned around in the sinister hallways and returned to my room. Inside, I saw that it was the absence of Mia. Her bed was empty. Where had she gone? I had lived my whole life with this family. When I had been younger, I had dreamed and dreamed of some unknown relation coming to take me away but it had never happened, this was my only family. At school, I had no one. It would be unbearable for me to lose my family. I was pretty sure it would break me because they were all I had. For some reason, it was hard for me to find someone to trust. Maybe it was my autistic behavior. Therefore the loss of Mia troubled me although I did not want to admit it. As I walked around the big garden, I noticed that someone had killed Granny's chickens. I thought that I saw an uncanny black shadow. Maybe it was the Black Raven. But as soon as I stretched out my arm, the creepy thing vanished and I was left alone in the darkness. I felt the solitude. Most of the chickens seemed to have been eaten but some where not eaten completely. The cat was nowhere to be found. Had it also been eaten like the chickens. That thought alone made me tremble. It seemed to have vanished from the earth together with my parents. What had happened? Something was creepy. I needed to find Mia and my parents as soon as possible, before something terrible happened. But as I walked through the cellar, I suddenly had a strange feeling. It was like I was being observed but when I turned around, there was nobody. I went up the stairs and entered the house. Suddenly I felt that something was wrong. As I walked around the house, it looked as if no one had been here for days. The house gave me the creeps. It was even worse than the uncanny garden. I just wanted to find Mia and go home. But first I had to find my parents and then, when I found Mia, I would leave and never come back. I started to shiver. First, I looked into grandma's bedroom. Nobody was there except for old and dusty cushions. When I went into the living room, Mia was there talking to Grandma. Grandma was sitting there in a pink dress, nodding her head. It was as if she was spying on Mia. But why would Grandma do that? I walked through the creepy house and suddenly came to a wardrobe. When I opened it, I was shocked to see Grandma's body inside. It was still fresh. So whoever it was, it was not Grandma, and as soon as I realised that, I went back to save Mia. By the time I got back I was almost too late. The weird thing pretending to be grandma had an axe and was trying to kill Mia with it. I pushed her away and the axe landed in my back. The wound was deep enough to become a scar, but luckily it was not fatal. The impostor pulled the axe out of my back. "Who are you?" I asked him. "This is so sad. I had hoped to free you from this bond by chopping off her head. It was only for your own good." He said as he tore Grandmother's face to pieces. It had only been a mask. Behind it was an unknown person with red hair which resembled someone I knew very well. The strange boy took a needle with a green liquid and after injecting it, he turned into a white tiger. His body was covered in white striped fur and his hands turned into paws with long claws at the end. The tiger put on a rabbit mask. It was the White Rabbit. He had been waiting for us. My whole body was shaking. "He is after us! We have to run!" But which way should we go? First I hid in grandma's bedroom behind the bed. There, he would hopefully not find us. I decided to lock the door and hide in the kitchen together with Mia. We heard his steps. Suddenly Mia started to cry and hugged me. The White Rabbit obviously heard that and jammed his axe into the door. Parts of the door fell to the ground. Now he jammed his axe into the door again. The door now had a hole big enough to peer through it. The White Rabbit saw us and his hand came through the door. Mia screamed in terror. His axe was jammed into the door again and again until it fell to the ground. He looked around inside the room. But luckily he did not see us. He wandered through the room and his claws scratched against the wall. Suddenly he had come around and saw us hiding behind the bed. I pushed him out of the way to go out of the front door with Mia, but the White Rabbit had locked it. I could hear him calling me as he searched me. Hastily, I looked around and saw the kitchen. I hid inside the kitchen and waited. The two of us heard his steps I pressed my hand on Mias mouth. We heard the steps of the White Rabbit. He kicked open the door and found us. We hurried out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. There, we hid inside the wardrobe. It was dark inside. With my hand pressed on Mias mouth I waited for him to come and then I could finally hear his steps. With bated breath we both waited for him to go away. After a while, they faded away. We had finally made it. As we left the bathroom, the White Rabbit was nowhere to be seen. Both of us sighed. With Mia in my arms, I slammed my shoulder into the door. Using my new powers, I destroyed the door and we heard the claws of him scratching against the walls of the house. He came after us from the basement door behind us. After going out, I ran down the front stairs. The White Rabbit came out of the darkness of the grandmother's yard. With his axe, he chased us over the yard. Then I ran to the car, and even though I had never had to drive before, I somehow managed to get us home. After that, Mia and I went to bed again. Lying in my bed, I thought about all the things that had happened that day.

Darkness:the Alice Chronicles 1-The TransformationWhere stories live. Discover now