Darkness: The Cure for Mortality

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Day 51: 10 of May 2027 at 16:00.

I was on the way home from school when James contacted me. „Hey Alice do you want to join us? "He asked. „Yes why not" I answered. After this night I felt some kind of relief. „but... will you guarantee safety for me?" I asked. „Yes" he said. „There is something I have to tell you" he added. „Come to the great place in two hours" Now it was 18:00. Now I stood at the so called great place James was waiting there for me .„do you feel them?" he asked. "y-yes" I answered a bit confused about his Question. "What do you feel?" he asked me. "An all covering darkness" I answered. "That means you have it" he said. "I have what?"-now I was really confused. "The gift" he said. "And what is the gift?" I asked. "It is the ability to feel the shadows" he answered. "Very few people have this ability and much fewer are able to battle the shadows" he announced. "That is the reason why I wanted you to join my organization" he said. "Okay I'll do it" was my recall. "We will make some security updates for you" James announced. "Can I go now?" I asked him. "Yes. And something else. Your nickname is Gorilla Girl. Because of the drug, you are able to use the muscles of a Gorilla when you get angry." he said. When I came home and looked at the clock it was already late. It was 20:00. But there were still two hours left. Maybe I should hunt some Morlocks? I thought. I went outside ran around the streets-but there was no shadow this time. After some time I spotted three Morlocks. They were not behaving normally. The three were acting as if they just had becom blind. The Morlocks were waving their heads aimlessly. Not only that, they were crawling on the ground as they were trying to follow someone's scent. But I doubted that this were all Morlocks. Suddenly a fourth Morlock stumbled and fell down before me. The four of them crawled toward me. I ran away from them and suddenly knelt against someone. It was the Black Raven. „Those pitiful creatures. They have lost their Alpha. You have killed it. Please give them salvation." After that, he gave me the drug. I injected it and transformed. After transforming, I smashed their heads with my fists. When I entered my home I looked up to the clock and noticed that 90 minutes had passed.

At that Moment, it was 21:30.

I ate something and drunk a glass of water. After this I had to phone James but nobody answered-oh yes the black out.

A bit later, it was 22:00.

Now 30 minutes had passed it was time to go to Bed I went into the bedroom and slept.

Day 52 - 11 May 2027

When I woke up that day, it was cloudy. I could see the birds chirping in the garden. In our garden, I saw that the tree already had buds. While looking at them, I decided to find out who had killed Lucy and who was responsible for the vanishing of my parents. When I was outside, I walked around and noticed many people. I would have to ask someone for his address. It would be best if I would ask Andy and Alex, because I could not trust anyone else except for Celina and she was new so I doubted that she knew anything. I went to the restaurant to eat rice balls there, but because there were too many people inside, I ordered to go. Like I had mentioned, I often had problems with walking upright. This had nothing to do with me being stupid, but rather with the coordination of my legs being bad. That's why I had a hunchback and was often compared to an ape, by the other children. Also, I had a male nose. That was because it had been broken once. After walking a while I arrived at the home of Alex. I knocked and he opened. When he had opened the door, I asked him whether he had Lucys address. He asked me why I needed it and I explained to him what had happened to Lucy. Alex also said that we should call the police. I said that I also considered that, but that the police was paralyzed because of the Black Out. And that we should take the matter into our own hands. I also said that I wanted to believe that Lucy was still alive. Then I mentioned the warrior of the white rabbit. I said that we needed to catch him. He might know something.

Darkness:the Alice Chronicles 1-The TransformationWhere stories live. Discover now