Darkness:the Alice Chronicles 1 - The Morlocks

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Day 29 - 18 April 2027

My teacher woke me after a strange dream. In that dream I was going through a hole and in that hole, I met James. I was on the way home, when I left the door of my school. Now, I remembered the good old days in the nursery school where I had a friend named James. But I was in the eighth class now and because of my boyishness and my hyperactive behavior, I had barely any friends. When I wanted to skate back to our house, I noticed a black feather. I looked at it with a bit of fascination. When I looked at it more closely, I suspected it to be a ravens feather. After looking at it for a while, I put it away. Still in thoughts, I went out of the school and set my base cap on my head. I put the hoodie on and started to skate.
After a while, I saw my home. My little sister was already waiting in front of my home. I went in and saw that my mother was angry. No, I don't want to hear this, I thought as my mother started scolding me. Not knowing that this was the last time I saw her, I went to the house of my friend Alex. I entered the house by opening the door as well as ringing the doorbell and walked up to his room. Then I played with him for some hours.
After visiting Alex I went back to my skateboard and started skating to Andy. I saw many small houses with trees. Suddenly, I saw a huge Golden Retriever. But it was somehow strange. It had a green tail, which was covered with slimy scales. It's eyes were crimson and it's pupils were small slits. The creature didn't bark and just stared at me with its creepy eyes. Then it howled so dismal that I shivered and suddenly four other dogs appeared. They did nothing and just stared at me.
I was near my city now. Then I saw the house of my other friend Andy. I stopped skating to visit Andy and went into his house. When I looked outside, I saw that the five dogs had followed me. They stared upwards to me and Andy. Behind them, I saw a boy. He had two white braids and a glasses, under which I saw dead eyes. They were cold and deserted. Most of his face was covered by a mask and in his hand he was holding a scythe. His black clothes which swallowed the light suggested that he was the reaper himself. The boy's skin was bleached, so bleached that I thought he was sick and his hair was white.
After 1 hour, I finished talking to Andy went out of his house and started skating home again. This time I would drive to my home. I saw someone. It was the same boy. The five dogs were not around this time.
I was finally at home. My parents were already asleep. When I entered my room, I decided to play something for an hour. When I looked out, I saw the boy with the five dogs glaring at me. It made me shiver. After that, I tried to call my classmates in New York again, but none of them answered.

Day 30: 19th april 2027

When I woke up, I got my clothes together I didn't look good so early I thought, opened the door and went to school. On the way to school, I saw the uncanny apparition again. The boy with the raven mask was following me. He glared at me from behind. I shivered.

Now it was 7:30.

James waited for me at the school entrance, he said he wanted to meet me soon. Maybe we can be together now... I thought. The lesson started and I was happy that I hadn't slept away. But I had to think about my parents why they were not at home yesterday? Did they flee? Where are they?

It was 15:30.

I started to go home when suddenly one of my classmates gripped my shoulder it was Zai, his red hair was dirty and his clothes seemed old, naked fear could be seen in his eyes and his voice was filled with panic as he spoke.

„They will come, you are doomed, every human is doomed, it is the beginning of the Apocalypse. I have seen them. They will bring terror and destruction."

Then he stepped backward. I shivered. His words had been filled with terror. After that, he ran away. I looked at him how he stumbled and thought about his words.

At the moment, it was 17:00.

Suddenly a man ran into me I smelled his sweat and saw his body shivering. He was twitching. His name was Stanley he was a former friend of my parents so I asked if he'd seen them. And he answered: „No but they are probably dead" Thats not right from whom did you hear that I asked and he answered. „Alice they had come for your parents... ...And they will come for you!" and then he shouted: „Leave the town as long as you still can!" After that he ran away, he stumbled as he rushed away.

Darkness:the Alice Chronicles 1-The TransformationWhere stories live. Discover now