Darkness: Omen Chapter 2

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When I woke up today, I was no longer woken by mothers voice and was somehow relieved by it. Finally I would be able to wear what I want and I would also be able to play whatever I want. Nobody would scold me for it anymore. Now I was woken by the alarm clock but somehow, even that was better than her voice. Maybe it was because her voice always reminded me of her oppression. I let out a relieved sigh because I was finally free from the clutches of my mother. After being woken, I sat in my bed for a while and looked at my body. How ugly I was. I was very ashamed of my body. But it was my inner ugliness that made me feel even worse. It troubled me that I felt so cowardly and egoistic because I had not been able to save anyone. Now I was reminded that I had saved Mia. The wound on my back was still burning while the one on my hip has become a scar. My scar was the sign of my ugliness. With each scar, I was becoming uglier. I was still getting used to the fact that my body was covered in scars now and I was somehow happy that I couldn't see the one on my back. I was ashamed of my body because of them, but I was also ashamed of my inner ugliness. While I had taken off my pajamas, the scar had reminded me of that fateful day when I had obtained my powers from the Black Raven and had given him my womb in exchange. Luckily nobody could see the scar because it would always be covered by my shirt. The only problem could be physical education when I have to change my clothes. I sighed and started to regret what I had done. Now even if I would be together with James I was unable to found a family with him. How should I solve that problem? When I had dressed in my usual clothes, I had to make breakfast for me and Mia. It was not as good as that of my parents, but it tasted quite good and I enjoyed that short moment of happiness before I had to go to school. After eating breakfast with Mia, I went to school. On the way to school, the Black Raven observed me. I asked him what he wanted and he said that he just wanted to protect me from harm. The Black Raven obviously wanted to protect me from Jacob, Caleb and the strange monsters. Even though he was somehow scary, he obviously wanted me to stay safe. I did not know whether it is true, but maybe that was the reason why I felt comfortable when I hugged him. After meeting the Black Raven, I went to school with a warm feeling in my heart.

When I arrived at the school, I went into the big building and was overwhelmed as always. I was totally impressed by the huge hall of the school where many students gathered. They were talking to each other in little groups. After I had entered the building, I looked around and hushed through the hallways while avoiding the glares of the other students. I somehow felt uncomfortable when others talked about me or looked at me. They always made me tremble. Somehow I felt like being pressed down by their gazes. Maybe the reason why I was afraid of others was my autism. Another point was that I had problems with talking to other people. Each time I wanted to talk to someone, I was somehow becoming nervous. It was probably because I was afraid of the things they might say to me. When I wanted to ask a teacher, I was always afraid of being scolded and in the end I was not able to ask the question most of the times which mostly led to me being scolded not by the teacher but by my mother instead. Then, I always felt ashamed because I had not been able to do what would be such a simple task for other people. They were not that bad but I had always been afraid of being unpopular. The reason for that were possibly my experiences with discrimination in primary school because of which I always was afraid of attention. Since then I had always been afraid of being discriminated against again. Before I entered the classroom, I looked into my locker and found a message there. It was addressed to A and A obviously meant me. A was my pseudonym when I was investigating. I opened the letter and read it. It was from my classmate Lucy. She wanted to meet me this Afternoon to talk about James with me. Lucy was the only one that knew about my secret. I asked myself why she needed my deduction skills even though she herself was a good detective as well. When I arrived in my classroom, I sat down without looking at the other students. I was waiting for the teacher to come while I shielded myself from the glares of the others. The reason for that was obviously my autism. When the teacher finally came, I sighed with relief and listened to the things she said.

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