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[The Council of 18 is in a white void while they sit on chairs with a big table and name tags.]

Poppy: Welcome viewers, readers, and fans to Troll 2 Troll, where my Council of 18 members and I will answer your questions for you.

Barb: (annoyed) Do we really have to answer all of their questions?

Delta: (confused) Why not?

Barb: It's just some of their questions are unusual and weird.

Trollzart: (annoyed) Really? Name one.

Barb: A person named user34808498 asked how long have we gone without brushing our teeth.

Trollzart: Good point.

Prince D: Yeah, nobody goes a day without brushing their teeth.

Trollex: Anyway, I'll introduce our topic for today. It's about how each Troll tribe "party"?

Poppy: (happily) Oh, parties! My tribe and I can do any party as long as we have fun. You can say we're professional partying Trolls.

Barb: Yeah, yeah. Because you guys are always happy and carefree, my tribe prefers music festivals and concerts that way; we can all go wild and crazy as we want.

Delta: Well, that's mighty swell, Barb. My tribe would have music festivals too, but we also have house parties, cookouts, and fairs.

Hickory: I join along too since Dickory, and I don't know much about our cultures' party doings.

Trollzart: The Classical Tribe prefers to attend formal parties such as balls, recitals, operas, soirees, and banquets.

Trollex: Very grown-uppish, Trollzart. My Techno Trolls love to do raves. When the raves play, my people and I couldn't resist having fun with them until it ends or we drop.

King Quincy: Nice, King Trollex. We, Funk Trolls, prefer get-togethers.

Queen Essence: They are like easygoing parties where we chat, eat, and fun together.

Prince D: They're like pool parties, dinner parties, and nightclub parties. I'm not sure what Hip-Hop Troll does to party, but I prefer karaoke nights and breakdance parties. Tresillo, how about you?

Tresillo: Mi gente and I do dance parties and doofs.

Wani: (confused) Doof?

Tresillo: Si, Wani. A doof is a type of outdoor dance party generally held in a remote country or outside a large city in the surrounding bush or rainforest.

Wani: Wow. Well, my K-Pop people love costume parties, house parties, and night outs. Ah, those were the good times. What about you, Chaz?

Chaz: My tribe would do festivals for our music, but we like to enjoy jazz nights and poetry nights at cool cafes and block parties. We talk, dine, and enjoy soothing beverages as we listen to our music.

BSD: So, many easygoing parties. Well, my people do public parties since we love being together. We would dine and sing. The sole purpose of the parties is to bring everyone together.

King Rajan: My people love costume parties and banquets. We have performers and dancers to entertain our guests.

Queen Ishani: Sometimes we dance when the music plays.

Garfield: Ah, our cultural ways to party. Each Tribe has an extraordinary way to party. We, J-Pop Trolls, would do public and house parties.

Selena: The service for those parties has sumo wrestling, and geisha girls would serve. Unfourantainly the best parties that were ever happened at the J-Pop Tree were held in the J-Pop Crew's house.

Barb: (interested) What's sumo wrestling? It sounds fun.

Poppy: And what about geisha girls?

Mochi: (poking his head out of his father's hair) Sumo wrestling is a Japanese form of heavyweight wrestling, in which a wrestler wins about by forcing his opponent outside a marked circle or by making him touch the ground with any part of his body except the soles of his feet.

Mushi: (poking her head out of her mother's hair) Geisha is a professional female companion for men in Japan, trained in music, dancing, and the art of conversation.

Poppy: What excellent ways to entertain at parties and how different Trolls can party. And now that we're done with today's question session, we should have a sweets party at Rosiepuff's Bakery.

[As the Council of 18 murmurs in agreement, they start to leave the void.]

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