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[The Council of 18 is in a white void while they sit on chairs with a big table and name tags.]

Poppy: Hi there, and welcome to Troll 2 Troll, the short episodes where we'll discuss big questions you have for us, the Council of 18.

Barb: (crossing her legs and putting them on the table) I got to say, Popsqueak. It's been a while since we've done this.

Delta: Barb is right. When was our last one? Dec 28, last year.

Hickory: Well, by counting that. It's 57 days since we've done this, approximately a month, and 27 days.

Delta: (flirty smiles at Hickory while he giggles and blushes) I like it that man is good with numbers.

Trollex: Care to the honors, Trollzart?

Trollzart: With pleasure, my Techno Troll friend. Today's Troll 2 Troll, "What is your Tribe's residence style?"

Barb: (confused) Uh, I don't get what it means. Can someone explain it to me?

Poppy: I think he meant what kind of buildings we used for homes. My people and I like to live in dwellings called pods which our hair and mushrooms can make.

Wani: The mushroom part is okay, but the hair part is plain gross, Poppy.

Poppy: My tribe and I are biodegradable to our homes. Give or take.

Barb: Since Volcano Rock City is subterranean; we like to live in underground homes like bunkers, any houses made for defense or survival, and stone-like forts.

Delta: Interesting. In Lonesome Flats, houses are made from quilted fabrics, burlap, denim, and gingham. We design them to look like cactuses or any desert plants.

Trollzart: Very cozy, Delta. My people live inside the mountains of Symphonyville. Inside them, we have the finest of houses to live in, like mansions, manors, or stately homes.

Trollex: Nice, Classical Chill Bro. Our houses are made from coral, aquatic plants, and rocks. It's wet, but it's welcoming.

King Quincy: Very good to hear, Trollex.

Queen Essence: Tell them about our people's residence style, Prince D.

Prince D: Yes, Mama. We like our homes retro, vibe, and colorful yet smart houses. Thanks to technology, we get to live at ease.

Chaz: Sweet, Prince D. Back in New Jazzleans, it was hard making homes for my people since we live on wet soil. But our homes are Creole cottages, townhouses, Shotgun houses, double-gallery houses, and California-style bungalow houses. On the other hand, my parents and I live in a mansion since my parents are the Smooth Jazz Trolls governors.

Tresillo: Homes built into each other. Now that's what I call being close together. Since Reggaeton Gorge is close to the water, we prefer beach houses or lake homes. And my Mama is the president of mi gente; we live in a luxury house called the La Fortaleza.

Wani: You really want to let bugs enter your people's houses, Tracey? We K-Pop Trolls live in apartments or traditional Koren houses. My Daddy and I used to live in the Cheongwadae or Blue House.

BSD: My people prefer to live in farmhouses, cottages, ranch houses, and villas. My Almighty Angels and I live in a plantation house that's close to our grand church.

King Rajan: Alright, Big Sugar Daddy. Ishani dear, you can take this.

Queen Ishani: Okay, Rajan. Our people prefer to live in huts, bungalows, farmhouses, villas, and eco-friendly homes. My family and I live in the Palace of Bollywood since we lead our tribe.

Garfield: It's nice for your people to live without problems, unlike our tribe.

Selena: Our people like to live in treehouses, traditional Japanese houses, and Apaatos. And since my family and I serve the J-Pop Crew and their mother, we live with them in their conventional Japanese high-tech mansion.

Mochi and Mushi: (poking their heads out of their mother's hair) Luxurious yet torturous.

Poppy: And that's all for this Troll 2 Troll.

[But then the Council of 18 and the Siberian Twins find a strange-looking robot coming in. It then explodes glitter, confetti, and streamers. It got all over the Council of 18, while the Twins appeared not covered in them.]

Mochi: Wow, that's one way to end this short episode.

Barb: (brushes everything off her outfit) Hey. How come you two kittens aren't covered in this?

Mushi: We don't know, Queen Barb.

[Just then, Elder Leaf arrives with an electric fan in his hand and his remote son, "Henry".]

Elder Leaf: Sorry, everyone. My Celebrator-Bot got in here by mistake. (looks at the robots' remains) I guess it must have short-circuited. But don't worry, I got my Turbo Fan here to get it all off of you.

Poppy: How is a fan that size going to clean us?

Elder Leaf: It is this size so that I can carry it around. But by pressing on "Henry", you'll get better results.

[Once Grandpa Leaf presses a button on "Henry", the fan gets so huge that the Twins decide to hide underneath the table.]

Delta: (nervously hugs Hickory) Um, that won't be necessary, Elder Leaf. But thanks for trying to help.

Elder Leaf: At least give it a shot. (before flipping the switch on the fan.)

[When the fan turns on, it blows so strong that it blows the Council away from their glitter, confetti, and streamers that are shaped into their bodies and the table. After it turns off, their shapes dissolve as they fall to the ground. Branch arrives to see what has happened while Mochi and Mushi go into his arms and purrs for him to be here.]

Branch: Grandpa, I think you really blew them away with that invention. (laughs at the joke with Grandpa Leaf, Mochi, and Mushi) But seriously, we need to make sure they're alright and escort them to the doctors.

Elder Leaf: Agreed (Before he, his grandson, and the Twins runs off to find the Council of 18)

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