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[The Council of 18 is in a white void while they sit on chairs with a big table and name tags.]

Poppy: Welcome to Troll 2 Troll, with the Council of 18 and me to answer your questions.

Barb: Well, almost all of your questions.

Delta: (disappointed) Barb!

Barb: What? Delta, some of these questions are hard to understand. We can't answer all of them since the right doesn't have much info on the real answers.

Prince D: Right...And now today's question is 'What are your tribes' hairstyles?'

Wani: (happily) Hairstyles? Finally, something that matches my taste.

Poppy: Hairstyles...hmm. Well, my tribe's hair is often colorful, any size and style we want them to be, and we wear them up, mostly. Since we love our hair so much, there are plenty of barbershops in Pop Village.

Barb: Yeah, yeah. Colorful like a rainbow. But my tribe's hair itself often sticks straight up like the Pop Trolls' hair does, but the ends fall, giving it a wilder look, with many of them also having it styled into spiked peaks. The colors for our hair are mostly: red, grey, black, white, blond, blue, and purple.

Delta: Not bad, Queen Barb. My tribe's hair is often big, slightly colorful, and puffy but does stick up. The males are often cut to be short or not, but they do show some tuff of their hair. For ladies, we are big with styling them. Some are braided, curled, or twisted.

Hickory: (touches Delta's hair) But I think the Dawn of my Day's hair is the most lovely thing in Lonesome Flats.

Delta: (blushes and smiles) Hickory, honey. Teeheehee...

Trollzart: Splendid. My people and I have large bushy hair with flecks of glitter in them. Our colors are often pink, light green, blue, and rarely white. We style them with twists, swirls, or curls.

Trollex: Sounds fin flapping tastic, Trollzart. Well, my tribe's hair becomes limp, almost resembling a sea anemone's tentacles when underwater. We're not big on hairstyles since we're cool with them. But there are a couple of Trolls who would tie them up or down, like me, Synth, and Laguna Tidepool.

Prince D: Neat, Chill Bro. My people and I have our hair as wool-like dreads; some are tied, braided, loose, curled, or worn down. They are always colorful, and sometimes we dye them. Am I right, Mama and Papa?

King Quincy and Queen Essence: (nods) True that, Prince D.

Chaz: My people and I like hair down, wavy, and flowing. It makes us feel mellow.

Tresillo: Cool, Chaz. My people have our hair deadlocked, tied, and dyed. We like to look cool and colorful.

Wani: Seriously, Tracey. You need to respect the natural color of your hair, like my people and me. We like our hair; big and bright colors. Our hair also has a satin latex finish to the strands of their hair on females' right and the left for males.

Tresillo: You people want their hairstyles to be the same.

Wani: So, does your tribe!

Tresillo: Do not!

Wani: Do too!

Tresillo: Do not!!

Wani: Do too!!

Garfield: Enough, you two!

Tresillo and Wani: Yes, Garfield.

Selena: Like the Pop Trolls, Rock Trolls, Country Trolls, Classical Trolls, Reggaeton Trolls, and K-Pop Trolls, we wear our hair up. But the hairstyles match traditional and modern Japanese.

Mochi: (poking his head out of his mother's hair) For some of the males, they have the Twisted Asian Man Bun, Chonmage Ponytail, and Traditional Chonmage on the top of the hair.

Mushi: (poking her head out of her father's hair) For some of the females, they have Taregami, Tied-Back Hair With a Comb on Top, Shimada Mage Evolution, Box Shimada Mage, Vertical Mage, Mountains of Hair With Wings, Two Topknots and Multiple Hair Tools, Maru Mage, and Simple, Tied-back Hair.

BSD: You are strong in your traditions, and it deserves respect. My people love afro styles.

King Rajan: Bollywood Trolls do traditional hairstyles. The males style their hair as shaggy cut, combed back, medium shag, straight shag, going long, side-parted short, mopped-up look, long crew cut, long layers, shaggy cropped hairstyle, gelled-up dapper do, curly peak hairstyle, crew cut look, razored crop hairstyle, buzz cut, short spiky hairstyle, dashing with curls, and lifted swag and style.

Queen Ishani: The female on the other hand: Elegant Indian Low Bun, Puffy High Bun, Classic Wavy Bun, The Princess Bride Hairstyle, Blow-Dried Wavy Look with Bangs, Side Braided Loose Hairstyle, Intricate Hair Knotted Pony, Floral Hair Bun, Messy Fishtail Braid, Braided Indian Hairdo, Sleek Fishtail Braid, Mesmerizing Hairdo with Flowers, Puffy Indian Fishtail Braid Look, The Top Pin-Up, The Rolled Updo, The Ponytail Tuck-In, Traditions Intact, The Diagonal Braid, The Rose Bun, Flowers Braid, Wavy Braided Loose Hair, Loose Leave Outs, and Braided Bun.

Poppy: So far, the Bollywood Trolls have the most hairstyles. And we're done for the day.

[Then Elder Leaf arrives with hairspray can in his hand.]

Elder Leaf: Council of 18, now that you're done with this short, I can finally introduce you to the invention of mind that can cure hair loss and baldness. It's called Hairius Maximus. One spray of this, your hair will be better looking and healthier.
Barb: Cool. I'll try it (walks over to Elder Leaf)

Trollzart: Yeah, you should try it since you're partly bald. (laughs)

Elder Leaf:(as Barb growls at Trollzart) Okay, Queen Barb. Hold still.

[Once Elder Leaf sprays it on Barb's hair, her mohawk grew so big that it covered the bald parts of her head.]

Council of 18: (impressed) Wow.

Barb: (happily) I'm smoking!

Elder Leaf: (shouted with joy) Success!

[But when Barb's hair began to shake, it grew rapidly and filled the room with her hair as everyone screamed and got caught in it. Branch then came by to notice what happened.]

Branch: (shocked) Holy sugar! What happened?!

[The Council of 18, Mochi, Mushi, and Elder Leaf poke their heads out of Barb's hair.]

Elder Leaf: It looks like my Hairius Maximus worked too well.

Poppy: Branchiepoo, get us all out of here!

Branch: (takes out a chainsaw and turns it on) This may take a while, so hold still.

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