Marriage Tradition

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[The Council of 18 is in a white void while they sit on chairs with a big table and name tags ]

Poppy: Hello. Welcome to Troll 2 Troll, where we debate the big questions. I'm Poppy, Queen of the Pop Trolls. These Trolls with me are part of the Council of 18 and leaders of different other music tribes.

Hickory: Well, sort of. (scratching the back of his head)

Prince D: Yeah. I mean, I'm the Prince of Funk.

Chaz: And I'm the only Jazz Trolls in Trollstopia, which is sad for me. (while Tresillo pats him on the back for comfort)

Poppy: Anyway, time to debate. Today's topic is, "What are your tribe's marriage traditions?"

Barb: (confused) Wha-? Whose idea was this for a topic?

Poppy: (excitedly) Eeee! I always wanted to be married-

Wani: To who, Branch? (giggles)

Poppy: What do you think? Anyway, the Pop traditions for marriage are that the groom and bride must give each other a glass of Glitter Slush, and they must hug each other for full 5 minutes.

Delta: (raise an eyebrow) A 5 minute Hug?

Poppy: It used to be a 1-hour hug.

Barb: Yeah, keep it at 5 minutes. Now, as you all remember from the Gale Tale Part 2 episode: in Rock Culture, the bride must bite the groom's neck to show everyone that they genuinely love them and to symbol their marriage, and the groom must drench his right hand in a bowl of blood from cobras and mark the bloody handprint on the bride's back to show that everyone that she's his.

Trollzart: (annoyed) Those traditions feel so wrong at many levels.

Barb: I'm not finished. Lastly, the groom and bride must devour a lava stone. But did you know that the Bloody Handprint replaced where the groom and bride must bathe in a pool of blood together?

Delta: (horrified) Okay, okay. My turn...(calmed down) In Country Troll tradition, the groom must cut three strings of his tail hair and woven them together into a bracelet for the bride to wear. And the bride must cut the nail of her top right hoove and crave it into a heart-shaped pendant for the groom to carry.

Tresillo: Isn't that specifically giving the groom your toenail?

Wani: (covers her mouth in disgust) Gross!

Trollzart: Moving. In Classical Troll culture, both the bride and groom stitch their names on their right wings.

King Quincy: (squinting his eyes) Ooooo.

Prince D: Ouch!

Queen Essence: Doesn't that hurt, Trollzart?

Trollzart: Yes, but it doesn't after you get in a pool of the Hot Springs. Even though it doesn't hurt anymore, it still does mentally. (shutters) I can still feel the sting.

Trollex: Okay, I'll go next. In the Techno Tribe, the bride and groom must pluck a string of their hair and scale from their tail to create a necklace for each other. And lastly, they must shed their skin and eat them.

BSD: I didn't even know Techno Trolls have scales or can shed their skin.

[Everyone turns to see Trollex shedding his skin and starts eating it.]

Trollex: Want some? (turns to Garfield)

Garfield: (politely) No, I'm good.

Selena: Chaz, please tell us your traditions.

Chaz: I'm glad you asked, Selena. For my tribe's marriage tradition, the bride must eat an edible red rose made by the groom, while the groom must eat an edible candle made by the bride. And lastly, they must drink rose flavor tea from glass bubble bowls.

Everyone: (impressed) Oooooo.

Tresillo: Impressive, Chaz. That sounds way better than my Reggaeton Marriage Traditions. It includes the Groom's Gift, which is a plate of 13 gold coins that must be blessed by the priest and be given to his bride. Next, the new couple will drink cafe con leche from coconut cups. And then there's the Cojin & Lasso. The couple must kneel on the cushions, and the lasso will be placed on their shoulders in an infinity sign.

Wani: Wow, Tracey. That's so cool. That sounds so amazing and cooler than my kinds of marriage traditions. Traditionally, K-Pop betrothal gifts were brought to the bride's home by a band of the groom's closest friends and placed in a box called a hahm while chanting a song before the Bride's family would take the gifts and offer them money. Before the wedding, a beautiful tradition occurs: The groom gives the bride's mother a wild goose. The traditional K-Pop wedding is held at the bride's family home. Vows are taken in a ceremony called kunbere: Bride and groom bow to each other and seal their vow by sipping an outstanding wine poured into a gourd grown by the bride's mother. The bride offers dates and chestnuts -- symbols of children -- to the groom's parents while sitting at a low table filled with other symbolic offerings. The parents provide sake in return, and as a final gesture, they throw the dates and chestnuts at the bride, who tries to catch them in her large wedding skirt.

[Everyone stares at her in confusion while she smiles.]

Mochi: (poking his head out of his mother's hair) Does the groom really give the bride's mother a wild goose?

Wani: Traditionally, a live goose was used; today, it is often a wooden goose.

Mushi: (poking her head out of her father's hair) Wow. What about you, BSD?

BSD: We do a mass, exchange vows, putting on the wedding rings, the kiss, communion, and lastly, the blessing.

Queen Ishani: The stars determine the wedding date, The Bride's Hands and Feet Are Adorned With Henna Paint During a Mehndi Ceremony, the bride's dress must be red, The Groom's Arrival Is a Celebration in Itself, The Couple Weds Under a Mandap, A Fire Burns in the Center of the Mandap, The Couple Exchanges Floral Garlands During the Jai Mala, The Groom Adorns the Bride With a Necklace Called the Mangala Sutra, The Bride and Groom's Garments Are Tied Together as They Circle a Fire, The Newlyweds Shower Each Other With Rice, and Red Powder Is Applied to the Bride's Hair, Signifying She Is Married.

Everyone: (impressed) Oooooo.

Poppy: So far, so good. What great traditions. King Quincy, what about you?

King Quincy: The bride and groom will eat mooncakes and then drink stardust.

Barb: Oh, spacey. What about you, Garfield?

Garfield: The yuino, the betrothal ceremony, exchanges symbolic gifts between the bride's and groom's families. Weddings take place at venues. There will be three stacked cups of sake, and both bride and groom have to drink, taking three sips. The wardrobe outfits for the bride and groom are exclusive and beautiful.

Selena: Then, speeches will occur, and parents will present the gifts to the newlywed couple.

Hickory: Wow...Too bad I don't know the Yodel marriage traditions.

Delta: (puts her arm around Hickory) It's okay, Hickory honey.

Poppy: I love all these traditions, and I think these are good, no matter how unusual they are. I guess that all we have for today.

[Much to everyone's surprise, Branch and Riff came by and walked.]

Riff: Woah, what is this place?

Branch: I think I've been here before with Poppy.

Poppy: (confused) Branchiepoo?

Barb: (confused) Riff, what are you doing here?

Branch: Oh, hey, Council of 18. We were looking for you to give you the news.

Prince D: Lay it out on the table, Branch-man and Riffer.

Riff: Well, two lucky Rock Trolls are about to get married today.

Barb: (excitedly) It's Luna and Sam! Come on, everyone.

(Everyone except Trollzart follows Barb out)

Trollzart: (crossed his arms) I'm not going.

[But then Barb's hair grabs him to follow her and everyone else out.]

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