goodbye folks

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Hey folks,yes ik I havent updated in while again- im sorry,I know I keep apologizing but I truly am sorry for it all (also I already said this all in the conversation place but I dont think you all saw it so I'll say it here))

Wattpad logged me out for some reason and I couldn't get to finish the Christmas chapter

But thats not the not gonna make any updates anymore

There is reasons why

First of all,I made so many mistakes in here that I cant change coz there will be always mistakes and new people comments about the mistake and it brings me back to it which makes me feel stupid at this point

Second,I barely have the motivation to make chapters because I wasted it and third of all,the undertale/AU community is getting toxic (I know it was already toxic long ago and dead but it is getting worse kinda) plus im part of the gacha community and I update daily on my social media (no hate on gacha pls)

Im sorry I'll have to stop but im thinking of making a new account on wattpad and make don't hug me im scared books if you don't mind and I made a discord server for you guys to chat with me :D

The link is in my bio and I hope I get to see ya

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