chapter 40

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Classic woke up,gently opening his eyes and saw blueberry cuddling him in his sleep

He thought it was cute but he knew they both were covered in cum,He had to break the cuddling

He got off the sofa,luckily there wasn't cum on the sofa but their shirts were covered in the cum

He sighed and teleported in blue's room

He saw ink was asleep,heavily breathing and hugging his paint brush

Thankfully,he was asleep or else he would see classic all covered in cum and he would probably be the next one to hook up with

Classic felt a bit weak and didnt want to do it with ink next for now

He grabbed some clothes and teleported back in the living room

He took off blueberry's shirt and his big,blue bow around his waist and put on gently his new clothes on

And brought the clothes that was all covered,in the wash machine and changed his clothes and did the same

~after that~

He had his phone ring from his jacket and went to grab it

As he did,he got a call from a unknown person

He didn't know who it was but didnt care and called off

He was about to walk away from his phone but then the phone rang again

It made classic pissed while the phone was still ringing

He snatched his phone and finally answered

Classic CALL: "sup,now call off because i think you got the wrong number because i dont even know you"

All of the sudden everything around him got darker and he got creeper out

He called off and looked around,seeing black liquid around the whole room dropping everywhere until it became all pitch black

He ran to see if blueberry was there but he wasnt,not even the furniture,nothing was in the room

It was pitch dark in the room,he couldn't see anything,only a light appearing out of no where

He then heard someone say something

"Hello sans"

He looked around again and saw nothing

Until a black figure came from thin air and his eyes glowed,orange and blue

He finally realized and growled

Classic: "why did you come back like this?..."

It was gaster

Gaster smiled at him and his face started to crack

Gaster: "Hello son,we haven't spoken since the accident"

Classic: "i see you can talk properly instead of the hand language you've been using to talk"

Gaster: "i see the sanses arent with you" "I see the sanses arent with you~ they are in heat arent they?"

Classic: *blushes* "why the hell did you have to do that for!?"

Gaster: "PFFT!- duh i want grandkids!" *U_U*

Classic: *blushes* "..i-i see you haven't changed"

Gaster: "yes"

Classic looked away in disbielf and teared up

Classic: "...why did you come back" "after everything that you done and left me and papyrus all alone"

Gaster: " sorry sans-"

an unexpected love~ (classic sans x AU sanses) Where stories live. Discover now