Ch. 5 - Thinking

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*Luke's P.O.V*

I was up half the night thinking about my night out with Michael. I think I only got about two hours sleep before my alarm started screaming at me to wake up and get ready for school.

It took me an extra ten minutes to get ready for school because I kept zoning out. My mind just kept wandering onto the topic of Michael.

My mum had made blueberry pancakes for breakfast, and was quite worried over the fact that I didn't scoff them down like usual, but again, I was too busy thinking about Michael.

I was admittedly worried I wouldn't make it to school, considering I ran straight into a tree halfway down my street, that's how lost in thought I was.

I eventually did make it to school, late for maths, might I add, but I made it to school nonetheless.

My first two classes for the day were a blur, need I say why? Probably not, I think it's obvious that I was thinking about my crush.. I mean Michael.

Ugh, why is Michael all I can think about? I wasn't serious about the whole 'crush' thing, it was just a joke, I don't really have a crush on him, but he is all I can think about at the moment.

After we were finished at Macca's last night, Michael & I found ourselves sitting side-by-side against a big tree at the park. Michael was quiet, which wasn't unusual, but so was I, which was quite unusual.

It wasn't an awkward quiet though, it was nice. We just sat, with our legs- the ones closest together- half intertwined, in complete silence, until Michael had gotten a text from his mum, telling him to come home.

It was almost 10:30pm when Michael had to leave. I wanted to walk him home, since it was so late, but he said he was fine in his own and insisted I only walked with him until I had to go in the other direction.

I did as he asked, not really wanting to come across as over protective or anything, but I made sure to get him to text me when he got home safely, which he did.

There is something I actually do remember about Michael from before we actually became friends yesterday; Michael used to be taller than me.

That day he first introduced himself to me, Michael was literally a few inches taller than me. Somewhere over the past year, I managed to shoot up past him.

That's a stupid thing to remember, I don't know why I'm thinking about that, but I am.

"Luke?" I hear someone say, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look up from the lunch table I was sitting at and see Calum giving me a half smile.

"Hey, Calum?" I say in slight confusion, "Where's Michael?".

"Detention" Calum says, frowning slightly.

"What?" I ask in complete disbelief, "How?".

"Some teachers still don't understand why Michael doesn't talk" Calum says in annoyance, throwing his hands up in the air, "I tried to explain it to Mrs. Carter but she was adamant that he was just being rude".

"Rude" I mumble, rolling my eyes. After realising that Calum was still just standing there, I point to the seat beside me and ask "Would you like to sit down?".

"Sure" he smiles as he sits down. There is a moment of silence before Calum starts talking again, "If Ashton doesn't go to this school, how did you meet him?".

"Uhh, I was like twelve at the time, I was at the movies one day with some people I thought were my friends, but obviously weren't, and like Ashton was friends with them as well, so he was there too, and my so called friends started making fun of me for these fluro yellow glasses things I had and Ashton was kind of like 'Hey, I think they're kind of cool', and we've basically been best friends ever since" I tell Calum the story of how I met Ashton.

"That was nice of him" Calum says with a proud smile.

"It was" I smile back, "He's the first person I ever had a crush on... And the reason I realised I am gay".

"Wait, you're gay?!" Calum asks in shock, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Yeah, I thought everyone knew that" I say in confusion, "Obviously not".

"You don't look gay" he says thoughtfully.

"Neither do you" I point out.

"Oh, right" he laughs, "Well I'm not gay anyway, I'm pansexual/demisexual".

"Your what?!" I ask in confusion.

"Well, when it comes to romance, I'm pansexual" he explains.

"Yeah, I know what that is" I nod.

"But when it comes down to the sexual part of a relationship, I'm demisexual" he continues.

"And that is?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"It's like being half asexual" he explains, "I can be sexually attracted to people, but we have to have a certain level of- I don't know- friendship? Basically, I have to be really close to you before I will have sex with you".

"Ohh, I get it now" I say in realisation, "Ashton is bisexual".

"I know" Calum laughs, "Well, Michael is gay, like you".

Ohh, so that's Michael sexuality!

"That I didn't know" I say, trying not to smile.

"I thought it was obvious, I mean he's had a crush on yo- shit" he says casually before slapping his hand over his mouth.

"What?" I ask, giving him a suspicious look,

"Nothing, pretend I didn't say that" he says quickly as he checks his phone. "Uh, I have to go, I told Michael I'd buy him some lunch so that he could eat before English" he says as he stands up, almost tripping over the seat in the process.

"Umm, okay" I laugh, "See you tonight? At Ashton's".

"Yeah, see you then" Calum says before running off.

The rest of the lunch period seems to fly by, and soon enough, I'm seated next to Michael again, itching to talk to him, but forced to shut up until Mrs. Dudley has finished explaining our task for the lesson.

Turns out we don't really have a task for today, just have to watch this documentary thing that she has to show us. We are also meant to take notes but that never actually happens.

"Michael" I say quietly, leaning over to tap him on the shoulder the second the documentary has started.

He turns to face me with a content smile. It hits me then that I didn't actually have anything I specifically wanted to talk to him about. He raises an eyebrow slightly as if to say 'Yes?'.

"Uh-" I hesitate, "You looking forward for tonight?".

Michael nods quickly with a smile that says 'Yes!'.

"Me too" I smile, "Ashton's mum is a great cook-".

"Luke, stop talking to Michael and pay attention, I'm sure he doesn't care" Mrs. Dudley orders from the front of the room, interrupting my sentence.

"Sorry" I mumble.

"I do care" Michael says, only speaking loud enough for me to hear, as he smiles at me.

I start smiling like an idiot, but lean back towards my own desk to avoid getting into any more trouble.

A small giggle escapes Michael, and I glance up just in time to see the teacher roll her eyes before returning her attention to the screen.

Realising that I'll probably have plenty of time to talk to Michael during lunch, I decide to shut up and try and pay attention to the documentary.

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