Ch. 6 - Blow Me (One Last Kiss)

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*Michael's P.O.V*

Nothing makes me feel as stupid as introductions to new people where I can't do anything but smile awkwardly and nod my head.

I had walked to Luke's house after getting out of my school uniform and into new clothes. Luke was sitting on his front porch, just waiting for me, when I arrived. He took me inside and introduced me to his family, without failing to mention my selective mutism.

Luke's family is really nice, they didn't care that I wouldn't talk, or that I practically attached myself to Luke, like a scared child clinging onto their mum or dad.

After maybe an hour of Luke's family trying to embarrass him by telling me stories about his childhood, everyone bar Luke & I- because there wasn't enough room in the car- left to go to Ashton's house. Luke & I just sat outside and waited for Ashton to pick us up after he picked up Calum from his house.

Once at Ashton's house, Calum was introduced to Ashton's family, and then I was, too. Luke's mum had already explained to Ashton's family why I don't talk- since she had arrived before us- and they were fine with it as well.

After the whole introduction, the four of us were told we could go hang out in Ashton's room until closer to dinner time.

"Dad, don't you dare make the condom joke until I explain it to Michael or I will kill you!" Luke shouts in a somewhat joking tone as we leave the room. His dad just starts laughing and agrees to keep quiet.

As we all make our way to Ashton's room, Luke & Ashton explain that every time the two of them go up to Luke's room, his dad makes a joke of reminding them to use a condom because that's what he buys them for, even though Luke & Ashton don't have any intentions to do anything like that, at least not with parents around.

"I wanted you to know about the joke before dad sprung it on us at some point" Luke chuckles.

Rightio, I roll my eyes jokingly at Luke before giggling quietly. Luke just smiles fondly at me as he sits on the edge of Ashton's bed, causing me to blush.

Balancing our notebook & pen in his lap, Luke pats the spot beside him, a silent way of telling me to sit down. Watching Calum & Ashton as they quietly look at something on Ashton's desk, I walk over to Luke and sit down beside him.

"I think my parents like you" Luke says happily, flipping the notebook open as he speaks. "I didn't have any doubts about it though" he adds, handing me the notebook & pen.

I can feel my cheeks flush as I start to write. 'I just hope my parents like you'.

"You don't think they will like me?" Luke frowns. I shake my head quickly.

'No, I'm sure they'll love you! But I can't help but worry about it! My parents can be weird sometimes, Idk... I just don't want them to chase you away because I've had them chase my friends away before and-'.

"Michael" Luke says, a slightly worried tone mixed into the calmness of his voice. His hand lands gently on my back for support, and I realise that I'm starting to hyperventilate. "It's alright" he whispers.

I shake my head quickly and keep writing with a shaky hand. 'No you don't understand! It's not alright! It's never alright! I can't even talk to them sometimes because I feel like they don't care, but I know they do.. Omg I can't breathe properly'.

"Hey, it's alright, just breathe" Luke says calmly, taking the notebook & pen from me and setting it aside before grabbing my hand with his free one.

That's when Calum & Ashton turn to face us, and Calum goes to run over to me but hesitates and changes his mind when he notices how Luke's eyes are focused on me as he talks calmly to me.

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