Ch. 3 - Friends

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*Luke's P.O.V*

After a few minutes of semi-awkward silence, I finally decided to speak up. "Would you like me to go get you something to write on?" I ask Michael with a smile.

Michael smiles back at me and nods his head, so I jump up from the couch and run upstairs to grab a notebook and pen from my school bag.

When I reach my room, the door is open, so assuming that it was safe to just walk inside, I enter without a warning.

Ashton & Calum are unfazed by my arrival, they just look towards me from the bed- where they were sitting, facing each other, while talking- as I walk over to my desk and pull what was going to be my English notebook out of my bag, along with a pen.

"I thought you'd be having sex" I say nonchalantly as I walk back towards the door.

"We're underage" is all Ashton says to my comment.

"That hasn't stopped you before" I say casually, smiling over at him.

"Whatever" he mumbles, "What about you? I thought you'd be fucking Michael already".

"Rude" I mumble, "I was only joking".

"Uhh-" Calum squeaks, "Michael is a virgin".

"Is he really?" I ask curiously, trying not to smirk.

"Yeah" Calum nods slowly.

"I'll keep that in mind" I say to myself as I leave the room.

I sneak down stairs slowly and find Michael flicking through a small stack of cd's I had siting beside the stereo. "Find anything worth listening to?" I ask, smirking as I walk over to him.

Michael drops the album back onto the stack and spins around quickly to face me and, blushing like crazy, covers his mouth with one hand and nods quickly.

"Do you want me to put something else on to listen to?" I ask curiously, handing Michael the notebook and pen.

He nods slowly and, with his free hand, picks up the album he had been looking at when I walked in: Dirty Work by All Time Low.

"Nice choice" I tell him as I take the album from him. He just smiles and walks back over to the couch while I change the cd's.

When I turn back around to face Michael, he is writing something on a fresh page. He shows me the page once he's finished writing.

'What exactly are we meant to be learning about each other? And how are we meant to write a whole speech about it??'

"I'm not quite sure yet" I frown at the page, "I guess it's meant to make more sense once we get to know each other".

I can physically see Michael's anxiety level rising as he scribbles a reply. 'But what if I have nothing to say?!'

"You will, I don't think I'm that boring" I tell him reassuringly as he continues to write.

'And we have to say it in front of the class!!! I can't do that!!!!!!'

"Sure you can" I say, to try being supportive.

Michael's breathing quickens and he starts hyperventilating, shaking his head as if to say 'No, you don't understand'.

"Hey" I say worriedly, hesitating to touch him. Eventually, I grab both of his hands and squeeze them gently, "It's okay, you're alright" I tell him calmly.

Michael just continues to panic and shake his head at me. He tries to speak- I think- but nothing comes out of his mouth, so he goes back to freaking out.

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