Chapter 4

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Infinite scowled at the sleeping, defenseless wolf in front of him. Oh, how he longed to kill him. After spilling all his sensitive information about the war, that would be the last straw for him.

However, Infinite knew very well to not cross an angry female jackal, he had a few past experiences with angsty females in his old town and his female friend in his squad. They were just as ferocious as a generic male, they didn't take shit from anyone and weren't the easiest to calm.

So, after evaluating his thoughts, he left the wolf alone and dragged himself back to his room. He was sure to have some private words with Gadget tomorrow.


Morning came sooner than Infinite would have liked, his ribs still hurt slightly but he was silently thankful for the medicine he was given. He rubbed his face before gently swinging his legs off the bed and preparing for a lengthy day ahead.

Lucy and Gadget were already up by the time Infinite had entered the conjoined kitchen and living room. Gadget was cleaning his glasses, already dressed for the day while Lucy was making some breakfast for the three of them.

"Good morning, Infinite!" Lucy beamed brightly, feeling quite joyous herself. "How are you feeling?" she asked curiously, "I've made some more medicine in that glass in the living room for you in case you need it."

Infinite glanced at Lucy, "I'm fine, but I guess I'll take the medicine anyway." he grumbled before shuffling to the living room, sitting on the couch opposite Gadget. He shot Gadget a stern glare but took the glass filled with medicine and sipped from it, he'd talk with Gadget later.

Lucy came into the room with plates of food and smiled, "Here we go, enjoy!" she sat down on her couch and began eating contently.

Gadget grinned, "Wow! This tastes amazing!" he ate happily, "Thank you, Lucy!"

Lucy awed, "I'm glad you like it, Gadget" she giggled.

Infinite remained silent, he had nothing to say to participate in conversation and would rather remain silent anyways.


After a fairly tense breakfast, Infinite decided he needed some fresh air and left the house - after discussing with Lucy that he felt well enough to take care of himself. He wondered around the small town, the curious looks he got had died down to mere murmurs as jackals just continued with their lives here. He was thankful that his appearance in the small town didn't cause much of a ruckus.

He needed some time to himself away from Gadget so he can collect his thoughts, take a step back, and just think.

He walked down a small alleyway and sat down, running his clawed fingers though his silky - though kinda dirty - hair. Exhaling heavily, he glanced down at his unused ruby, he hadn't used it properly in a while.

Running his hand across the crimson jewel, he let his thoughts run through his head to his hand and to the ruby. He closed his eyes and tried to relax to take his mind off current stresses he had.

He opened his eyes after a minute and glared down at what the ruby had produced an image of.

It was a single red rose, glistening under the sun and the magic that produced it.

'No, that's stupid', Infinite thought and scowled, he didn't believe in love, in his eyes it was just a short bond that deceased along with its partners overtime.

It was also just a waste of time to him.

'I am incapable of love', Infinite stood up, even if by some miracle he were to love, he'd just loose them over something stupid and he didn't want that to happen again, not after caring for and loving his squad.

However, the thought never left his mind as he trekked back to Lucy's house. After entering, he raised a brow as Lucy was no where to be seen, only Gadget was here.

"Where has she gone?" Infinite growled at the wolf, he immediately put his suspicions into Gadget.

Gadget threw his hands up in surrender, "She left to get groceries!" he spat out quickly.

Infinite hummed shortly, "Fine, let's talk now then while she's gone.' he smirked briefly and cracked his knuckles.

"U-uhhh, about what exactly?" Gadget backed up the furthest he could, squashing himself into the couch and unknowingly making himself look smaller than he was.

"Don't play stupid with me, wolf." Infinite barked sharply. "I know you told her everything about me in the war, I heard you."

Gadget stammered, "O-oh?" his ears folded low to his head, embarrassment and dread filled his stomach, making him feel sick at what's going to happen to him. He's crossed death's door too many times and now he might just as well let death catch him and finally surrender.

Gathering what's left of his courage, he tried reasoning with the very agitated jackal, "Please, I didn't mean any harm to you, she asked me some questions and I had to answer them, there was no harm done and she didn't think any worse of you - I dont think..." he gulped.

Infinite narrowed his eyes, inching closer to the paranoid wolf. "If you weren't under the protection of Lucy I'd have you hung, strung and quartered before you could even scream" he tilted the wolf's head to directly face him, his sharp claw hooked under Gadgets chin. Hearing Gadget whimper under him made him feel superior and very pleased.

"Just remember who's in charge here." Infinite scowled, removing his claw and walking away to his room.


Laying in the small bed, Infinite felt his heart race, he never felt his heart race before.

Something was wrong.

Or was it?

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