Chapter 5

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The feeling didn't go away immediately and it freaked Infinite out slightly as he never felt this way before. He groaned and rubbed his eyes; first, Gadget intrudes on the jackal town, then Lucy takes him in for a while, and now this strange feeling.

He didn't like it one bit.

'Whatever', Infinite thought. 'It'll go away on it's own'


Gadget fumbled around the living room as he thought heavily on what he should do. Should he leave and give Infinite peace? Or should he just stay and see what happens?

He didn't know what to do anymore.

He thought about leaving, he didnt belong here. This was the home of the jackals and jackals only - not wolves. Come to think of it, Gadget has never seen another species here aside from jackals.

It was quite unsettling, really.

His thoughts were interrupted when the front door opened to reveal Lucy with bags of groceries in her hands, she flashed a smile at Gadget and walked into the kitchen to put the food away.

"Wheres Infinite?" Lucy asked from the kitchen, her large ears perked to Gadgets direction.

Gadget decided to help her unpack, "He's in his room." he simply responded, he was unsure if he should tell her about their talk.

Lucy hummed, "Did he do anything while I was gone?" she looked at me sternly, crossing her arms. "Did he hurt you? Threaten you?"

Gadget gulped, "He didn't hurt me, just told me that he heard us talking and didn't really like it..." he mentioned, rubbing his arm nervously.

"I'll have a word with him." Lucy sighed, "Gadget, be a dear and put the rest of the groceries away for me please." she smiled before making her way to Infinites' room, prepared for any outburst from him. Gadget only nodded, putting the groceries away to try and distract himself from the situation.


Infinite's ear twitched when the door to his room cracked open, revealing Lucy. He groaned and rolled his eyes, "I assume you're here to confront me about what Gadget told you?" he scoffed.

Lucy sighed, closing the door behind her, "Yes and no." she answered, walking towards Infinite. "Before I talk about Gadget, where did you get this?" she placed her hand on the Phantom Ruby; to which Infinite moved away from her touch.

"Don't touch it." Infinite snarled, his hand clutching the precious jewel. "I got it from Doctor Eggman."

"Eggman?" Lucy gasped in shock. "What were you thinking? Were you really going to join his side?" she growled softly, completely shell shocked that Infinite would even think about joining that crazed maniac.

Infinite scowled, "Look, I joined him because he offered protection for my squad, that's all." he retorted sharply. "When Shadow destroyed my squad, I turned to Eggman for revenge and he gave me this ruby."

Lucy frowned, thinking over what information Infinite had given her. She didn't know how to answer back, how could you answer back from such a remark?

She shook her head, "Well, you're safe now, and I assume you aren't leaving" she smiled.

"Depends if that wolf stays." Infinite shrugged. "I can't put up with him."

"That brings my other question; why do you hate him so much? He's kind and friendly." Lucy asked, her ears folded down. "I've never interacted with other species so I wouldn't know the ins and outs of any of them nevermind wolves, but from what I've seen he means no harm to us"

Infinite furrowed his brows together, "We fought against each other during the war, that's a reasonable excuse to hate him." he bared his teeth. "Not to mention he's cracked my ribs and gave me many bruises."

Lucy pursued, "But are you really going to spend your life hating one mobian that foiled your plans?"

"Yes." Infinite growled, flicking his eyes to her sharply.

Fortunately to her, the jackals in this town were very stubborn, so of course she didn't let Infinite go that easily. She sighed and walked out of the room before coming back with a startled Gadget who was being forced into Infinite's room.

"Fine then." Lucy grunted, closing the door behind her and locking it, she stood at the door to make sure none of them tried to escape.

"Both of you, put your differences behind you, now."

<HIATUS> You Don't Belong Here [INFIDGET] Where stories live. Discover now