Chapter 3

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"You don't know about the greatest war on Mobius?" Gadget gawked, utterly speechless at Lucy's comment.

Hell, even Infinite was shocked to hear this, this town must have been completely left out from all the chaos of the war. In a way, he was thankful.

"Um, no." Lucy raised a brow. "You two fought in it?" she asked.

This stuck a cord at the wolf in particular, the tension in the room sharply increased.

"We did." Infinite growled at Gadget, warning him to back off about Infinite's other identity. Gadget - being timid and too scared to even protest and spill the information on Infinite, stayed quiet.

"Why was there a war? I thought Mobius was in eternal peace?" Lucy questioned more, her eagerness to know about the war blinded her thought of how touchy this is for both survivors in the room. "Oh! You must stay and tell me all this!" she turned to Gadget.

Infinite rolled his eyes, "Then let's talk now and get it over with."


After a lengthy and complicated talk about the war; how Sonic got captured and tortured, how Eggman actually ruled the world for a while and how the Resistance defeated Eggman, Infinite felt fatigued and decided to leave to gather his thoughts and rest. Lucy gave Infinite some more herbal medicine then let him go to his room.

Lucy then turned to Gadget, "So, what's his role in the war then? What's that strange jewel in his chest?" she asked.

Gadget gulped, he would rather die than face the wrath of an angry Infinite again, he already got too many cuts and bruises from the jackal in their fights during the war. He scratched the back of his neck, "I don't know if I'm allowed to say anything concerning him..."

Lucy sighed, "I know he doesn't like being talked about behind his back, but he's not going to tell me anything, please tell me what his role was." she pleaded.

Gadget frowned, shifting closer to Lucy for some form of shield in case Infinite came barging in ready to strangle him.

"He...he caused most of the destruction." Gadget exhaled shakily. "He was the one who tortured Sonic, he was the one who nearly murdered all of us by a giant fake sun, he was Eggman's henchman, his second in command in the war." The wolf shuddered at the images his head produced of the war; the bloodied streets, corpses strewn across the pavements, screaming and wailing piercing the copper clouded sky.

Gadget continued, "That jewel is called the Phantom Ruby, it is under Infinite's command and Infinite can do anything with its power; as long as it remains in his chest." He finished, letting out a brief sigh of relief when Infinite didn't barge in.

Lucy fell silent, she believed Infinite was a great mercenary but didn't think he'd be the secondary cause of the war that took hundreds of lives.

She didn't know what to think.

"Thanks, Gadget..." Lucy ran a hand through her silky hair. "You can stay here tonight if you wanted? I feel like Infinite has a lot of explaining to do on his behalf tomorrow."

Gadget twiddled his thumbs, "Uhm, I appreciate the thought" he nodded. "I can sleep on the couch, thank you." he flashed a grateful smile.

Lucy nodded, "Very well, goodnight." she stood up from the couch and dampened the candles lighting the house before heading to her room to contemplate over what she just learned.

Gadget layed down on the soft couch and sighed, he took off his glasses and gear to relax and drift to sleep, hoping he wasn't speared to death by a pissed jackal during the night.

Unknown to them, Infinite had listened to the whole conversation.

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