Chapter 2

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Recovery was slow, the herbal medicine that was given to Infinite has reduced the pain but he still didn't feel well enough to move around much. Thankfully, it appeared that Lucy was a trained medical nurse and had the best intentions for Infinite.

If Infinite could just cooperate.


"No, you're not sticking that needle in me." Infinite huffed stubbornly.

Lucy sighed, "Come on Zero, please? It'll numb the pain"

"Don't call me Zero. It's Infinite now."


Infinite hushed her when he picked up on the sound of faint footsteps on the roof of the house. His ears perked upwards in attempt to try and hear where the mobian is heading.

Though that left him completely exposed.

Lucy quickly but gently inserted the needle into Infinites arm while he wasn't looking. She giggled to herself at how he left himself completely exposed.

"Ow! Hey!" Infinite hissed and tugged his arm away once the needle was removed.

Lucy held her hands up in defense, "Hey, you weren't gonna take it so I had to use some force" she snickered.

"Whatever." Infinite grumbled. "Did you hear those footsteps though?" he swiftly changed the subject.

"I did, but I can defend myself if some weird robber or somethin' tries to get through the house" Lucy cleaned Infinite's arm before sterilising the needle and putting it away in a medical box.

"I'm going to check it out." Infinite threw his legs off the bedside and stood up slowly, he didn't feel any pain because of the painkillers injected into him but - although he didn't want to admit it, he needed to take it easy.

"Be careful, you're still injured" Lucy warned worriedly, she followed him outside just to ease her own worries about him.

"Yeah, yeah." Infinite rolled his eyes, he walked outside and glanced around the rooftops.

There he was again. The same red wolf was climbing on the rooftop, seemingly bouncing from roof to roof.

Infinite sighed deeply, "Oh boy." He activated his ruby to grab the wolf and lower him to the ground, catching the red ball of fur off guard.

But once he was face to face with who caught him his cheeks flushed embarrassingly as he got caught red handed. Infinite deactivated the ruby after lowering him down to the ground, he scowled at the young wolf.

"I can explain?..." The wolf bargained, his head tilted as he tried to reason with the unhappy jackal.

"You better have a valuable excuse or I won't hesitate to kill you myself." Infinite scoffed, his arms folded tightly.

The wolf gulped, sweat beading down his forehead as the hot sun beat down on him, that and the fear of Infinite coursing through him currently. He hesitated for a second, but only for a second.

"It's kinda secret...can we talk inside somewhere? Somewhere the public can't hear?" He asked timidly, gesturing to the growing crowd of jackals looking at him.

Infinite scoffed, why should he even be questioning the wolf? He should've been dead already. However, there was a lingering thought in his mind that prevented him from just throwing him in the fire. The black and white jackal huffed before returning to Lucy's house, gesturing for the wolf to follow.

Lucy herself had a few questions to ask the shy wolf, but she would wait until Infinite had heard from him first. She didn't want to provoke the already agitated jackal, she seen the strange jewel in his chest and how he commanded it, she knew she didn't want to be on the recieving end of it.

However, Lucy just wanted to know the wolf's name, if he were to become a usual to the town then they would have to become some sort of acquaintances. She knew that the rest of her kind weren't so open to strangers of different species.

Taking her chance as the trio sat down on various couches, she spoke first towards the wolf who was looking very scared.

"What's your name?" Lucy asked before Infinite even got a chance to speak, earning herself a glare from the other jackal in the room.

The wolf fixed his glasses that fell down his small tanned muzzle, "G...Gadget" he stammered.

"Well then Gadget, my name's Lucy" Lucy tried to flash a reassuring smile. "It's nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too, I guess..." Gadget murmured softly, his amber eyes trying to avoid the heterochromic ones that stared him down suspiciously.

Lucy spotted the tension in the room, so she left to grab some water for Gadget as he seemed quite parched from his journey.

She did keep a keen ear alert incase Infinite tried to skin the poor wolf alive when she was gone, she wouldn't allow any blood to be spilled in her house. The least she could do was compress the tension as much as she could until Gadget left. If Gadget leaves. When Gadget leaves.

She came back into the room to find both mobians' still sitting in silence, at least there's no blood spilled yet.

"Here, take this" Lucy passed Gadget a glass of water before turning to sit down again.

"Thanks..." Gadget mumbled, taking a few tentative sips and trying to ease his anxieties.

"So." Infinite finally started. "Why are you here? What is so important that you return to the place that currently wants you dead?" he raised a brow, intimidating the wolf was quite easy to do.

Gadget cleared his throat, "The Resistance needs me to travel to the furthest places to find out if the war has completely ceased, this is my first stop" he explained, trying to sound as  confident as he could muster in the presence of the mercenary. "I'm traveling from town to town to make sure the fighting has stopped before reporting my findings back to the Resistance"

Infinite hummed, "And if it weren't for me stumbling upon this town you would have been fried alive and eaten" he scoffed.

Gadget gulped, shivering at the image in his head of himself burning alive in that great pit of fire.

Lucy raised a brow, "What war?"

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