Chapter 8

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A/N : Warning for mentions of homophobia.

A day had passed and Gadget was preparing to leave, he didn't want to ever leave Infinite and Lucy but he had to return to the city and report back to the Resistance about his mission, he was here to complete a mission after all. He feared that if he stayed for prolonged periods of time without giving notice, the Resistance would come looking for him and he didn't want to expose Infinite and the jackal town because of his own stupidity.

Sighing, Gadget made sure he had everything before giving Lucy a hug and making his way to the door.

"You're leaving?" Infinite peered out of his room, he was unaware of Gadget leaving and honestly it hurt him that Gadget didn't tell him until now. Infinite didn't like to admit it; but he did feel quite disheartened. They had gotten so close over the past few days and it hurt seeing him leave so soon.

Gadget frowned, turning to Infinite reluctantly, he hated to see the disappointment on the jackals face. "Yes, unfortunately," Gadget placed a hand on the doorknob, "I have to return to the city and go the Resistance so I can report my mission; and to also show up to show that I'm still alive," he chuckled, rubbing his neck.

"Oh..." Infinite huffed sadly, deep inside he knew these emotions were due to the wolf's influence on him but he didn't really care now, it was too late to turn back to his relatively heartless self.

Gadget's small ears folded low as he spotted Infinites' disappointment, but there was nothing he could do to stop the situation, however he did run up to the tall jackal and give him a tight hug. Infinite in turn was shocked at the gesture, but eventually calmed and stroked Gadget's back in return.

Lucy stood there aweing at the scene in the background, though she tried to hide her excitement at the two as best she could.

Gadget released himself from the hug and smiled up at Infinite, "I'll be back before you know it!" he beamed brightly before walking to the door again and leaving the house to travel back to the city.


Infinite sighed, he was going to return to his room but was stopped by Lucy.

"Wait-" Lucy walked up to Infinite, "-go after him," she smiled, placing a hand on Infinite's shoulder.

Infinite huffed, "I can't, I'll risk being spotted by Resistance troops that patrol the city," he looked away from Lucy. "-and anyways, he won't want me there."

Lucy stood in front of Infinite, "Look, I've watched the way you two have got along ever since the apologies, you two don't realise how close you are to each other," she explained softly, "-and though you may not realise it or want to admit it; I sense a very strong bond that stretches beyond mere friends."

Infinite chuckled, "You are wise, but a little foolish," he crossed his arms. "Even by some chance me and Gadget were to form a more intimate relationship, it would be frowned upon by many homophobes and could even get us killed." Infinite exhaled.

Lucy frowned, "That is true, but their hatred shouldn't alter your affections for Gadget, if you do feel more intimately attracted to him why not just say it? Try to talk to him when you get the chance to meet again and just explain the situation, I'm sure he'll understand," she flashed a reassuring smile, "You know you can always talk to me about anything troubling you."

Infinite rolled his eyes sarcastically, "Wow, what a way to nosey into my personal thoughts."

Lucy giggled, pushing Infinite to the door, "Come on, get out there!"

Infinite gasped, "Wait- wait!"

"Bye-bye!" Lucy shut the door behind him and grinned to herself, she felt overjoyed for Infinite and couldn't wait to see the two males again now that she knew Infinite had some sort of intimate feelings for Gadget.


Infinite groaned deeply, he guessed he had no choice now. He made his way towards the city, following the same path as Gadget while using his ruby to locate where the wolf was at this current time. He mentally cursed to himself that Lucy had found out about such private thoughts, but he had a feeling she'd find out some day anyway.

A faint red glow of footprints showed in front of Infinite, depicting Gadget's footsteps, he followed them until he caught up with him.


After a few hours of walking, Infinite entered the city, he snuck around the alleyways as best he could to remain unseen from the public eye. He was relieved to find Gadget walking into the Resistance Headquaters.

'At least he's safe,' Infinite thought, a small smile appearing on his white muzzle. He decided to lay low and sit down in the dark alley, waiting for Gadget to come out.

It felt like a few more hours before he spotted Gadget walking out of the Headquarters, Infinite stood up and waited for him to come down this road. When he did, Infinite gently pulled him into the alleyway and covered his mouth so Gadget didn't scream in shock, causing the startled wolf to struggle.

"Hey- hey," Infinite hushed, "It's me, Gadget."

Gadget's panting and struggling stopped when he layed his eyes upon the jackal, he sighed in relief. "Whew! You really scared me there," he chuckled, "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were safe," Infinite sighed, "I got worried, maybe a little paranoid..." he grumbled admittedly.

Gadget cooed, "Aww, did the almighty Infinite get worried for little old me? That's cute," he winked playfully, though there was a little hint of flirtation in his words.

"Come now, you know I only get worried about the people I care about," Infinite chuckled lightly, his fingers gliding across the small wolf's sides.

Gadget hummed, a smirk forming on his small tan muzzle, "Well, I think we're even," his eyes traced every part of Infinites' slim yet slightly muscular body. It didn't take long for Infinite to notice the amber orbs taking in every detail his body offered, he chuckled at that.

"You see something you like?" Infinite smirked, his hands gliding down to Gadget's small waist.

Infinite finally understood and accepted his feelings for Gadget after a while of disregarding them. He finally understood why his heart raced any time he seen Gadget, most importantly; he finally understood what it is like to love another person, to truly love them, their personalities, their emotions and their individuality, not just their physical body but their mind and how unique they are.

He learned to appreciate Gadget in every aspect, and his heart grew fuller with the beauty of feelings and emotions.

"I see everything I love in you," Gadget smiled, "A beautiful mind and heart that was previously locked away, a kind and caring jackal who wants to be appreciated. " he continued, "Behind all that anguish, all that fear, is something very little people see; a broken soul who wants to feel loved," he reached up and placed his hand on Infinite's fluffy cheek.

"I will mend you," Gadget smiled, "I will stay by your side and protect you as much as you protected me, and I will never abandon you, that's a promise."

Infinite smiled warmly, a warmth filling his heart and mind. His fingers intertwined with Gadget's, "I promise to keep you safe," he tilted his head into Gadget's hand that lay on his cheek. "Nothing shall harm you as long as I'm around."

Gadget beamed a very happy smile, he felt warm and fuzzy inside, bustling with all these amazing new emotions. His tail wagged behind him excitedly, tightly wrapping his arms around the jackal in a big hug. Infinite returned the hug and closed his eyes, relishing in the feeling before they both pulled away with Gadget chuckling softly.

"What?" Infinite chuckled, looking at Gadget curiously as to why he might be laughing.

"Nothing, I just never knew you were such a softie," Gadget smirked, his hands found their way to Infinites' waist.

Infinite hummed amusingly, burying his head in the crook of Gadget's neck as his own hands traced Gadget's sides, "Only for you," he murmured.


A/N : Oh my god I love these two fluffballs so much its killing me (×.×)

<HIATUS> You Don't Belong Here [INFIDGET] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz