9. Pretending to be Human

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Title from: Angel - FINNEAS 

Audrey's pov

Two week time skip 

A/N: I thought I'd just clarify real quick that Cam's fear of driving doesn't stem from trauma or anything, he's just one of those people that are superstitious and doesn't like driving so all of Audrey and Evie's teasing is harmless. And this is kinda just gonna be a filler chapter bc I don't have the motivation to do anything plot driven rn, I will be working on starting chapter 10 tomorrow tho which I plan to be plot driven. Dueces ✌️


"Ughhhhh why do we have to do all this, we spent two whole weeks viewing the city. I don't think i need any further explanation of how the city works. When do i get to the fun stuff like messing with- I mean, watching over people" i whined. "Because, i can't just send you out there without you knowing anything. It's like school, but you're gonna learn how things work around here like our government and the different roles people have. And you have to pass the civics test if you want to be able to drive and stuff. I doubt you wanna carpool with Evie for the next six months." "Actually, I really enjoy my little drives home and going to breakfast with her so suck it. And who's gonna teach me to drive, you? What if the car turns on you and eats you alive!" i teased. Ever since Evie told me about Cam's little fear of cars, I haven't let him live it down. It's hilarious. I've actually been spending a lot more time with both of them because of training. Evie lives a floor above me at our apartments so she picks me up and we go to a little coffee shop to get breakfast and then she drops me of at Cam's on her way to work. And then after training is finished I just hang out with Cam until she closes up and then she picks me back up and we go home. I don't mind it, I don't really know very many people here and don't have anything better to be doing. If it wasn't for training I'd just be sitting around my apartment all day probably taking excessive naps and watching tv.

"Oh my gosh, are you ever gonna let that go?" he says embarrassed. "Nope, that's gonna stick for the rest of your life" i tease. "Ok whatever, now can you please pay attention and stop complaining so we can be done for the day?" "I don't know, cannnn I?" "Oh my gosh, you're such a child" he says rolling his eyes, "Tell you what, if we get done with today's lesson before Evie comes to pick you up, I'll let you look at stuff on the projection table" he says trying to convince me to stay on track. "Ouuuu, what's that?" i ask, it sounded pretty cool but i didnt wanna agree to something without knowing what it was. For all I know, it could be something super lame and I would've  payed attention for nothing. "It's exactly what it sounds like. It's a table... that projects stuff. And you can see stuff that's going on in the Guardian Realm, the Human Realm, and the Demon Realm." he explained. "Wait, that's sounds cool as hell" "Then do we have a deal?" I must confess, it was a very compelling argument. "Deal" I agree with a smile and shake his hand. "Ugh, you're exhausting you know that?" I giggled at his sentence. "That's what she sai-" I started when he cut me off. "NO NO NO STOP! Dirty jokes are my thing, you're too cute and innocent for that" he shrieked, throwing a pack of sticky notes at me. "Jeez, you didn't even let me finish. Note to self, never rely on a man to get the job done" i declare. He looked at me with so much shock that I thought his eyes were gonna pop out. "I've created a monster. Please remind me to never make dirty minded jokes around you ever again" he sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. I laugh and then roll my eyes at him, "Hey, aren't you supposed to be like, teaching and shit?" i said matching his energy from earlier. "I- you know what, fuck you." he says giving me a death stare. 

"Anyways, where were we?" "You were telling me that i needed to learn about the Guardian Realm and stuff since im a newbie and don't know how anything works around here." "Right, so I guess we should start off with the basics then." I noded and watched as he walked over to a large bookshelf. He rumedged around for a while before waking back over to me empty handed. "I don't have it, the one book i needed for today and i dont have it" he complained. "Well, does that mean today's training is cancled?" i asked with a hopeful expretion. "No, we can't cancel. The past week we've just been goofing of instead of actualy doing anything. So instead, you're gonna come with me to the Hall library to get the book for tomorrow. But, since the Hall is all the way across town I'm gonna take you on a tour. You'll probably benifit from me showing you how everyhing works rather then just telling you any way." he explained. "Cool, so who's car are we taking" "Very funny, we'll be walking. Unlike the Human Realm, the Guardian Realm isn't that big. You guys are over populated over there becuase for some odd reason, you all feel the need to have tons of kids." he complains. "Well I'm sorry that everyone is just having kids for fun, what do you want me to do about it. I can't just commit global homicide" I say, rolling my eyes. "I mean.... you could" "Cam I'm not killing anyone, not unless you get to be my first victom." "Yes, please take me out first. That would be a dream come true." he begs. "Oh my gosh, I can't kill you if you wanna die. That literally defeats the whole purpose." He looks at me with an offended expression, "so you're just gonna crush my dreams then huh? How rude" he says crossing his arms and turning away from me. "Yes, I'm the big bad dream crusher. Now let's goooo, I'm gonna leave without you." I say grabbing my glasses and jacket and running to the door. "AUDREY GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!! You don't even know where you're going!" he yells chasing after me. "I'm sure I could figure it out" I say before quickly closing the front door behind me and running down the porch steps.

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