3. Lost 'Princess'

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A/N: sorry for not updating very much, and it probably doesn't help that I always end on cliff hangers lol. I was doing online school and struggling but I'm back on campus now and my life is slowing down a bit so I'll try to post chapters more often. I'm going to try and upload at least once a week but I can't make any promises. I'm going to be labels on dialogue to show who's talking, if you guys like that better then the way I've been doing dialogue tell me so I can continue doing that instead. I also wanted to say that if I ever have any spelling or grammar errors, have incorrect or offensive information, or say something triggering please tell me so I can correct it and/or add a trigger warning. Thanks! But here's chapter 3, enjoy! :)

A: Audrey

C: Cam/Camden 

He led me outside and wrapped his arms around me and picked me up in a cradle. 

A: "Hey! What the hell are you doing!?!"

C: "Well...you don't want to fall to your death do you? We're in the sky remember." he said as if I was a dumb child.

A: "Of coarse I remember. WE"RE IN THE FREAKING SKY! How could anyone forget something as awesome as that!? What does that have to do with you tryna pick me up like a baby though?"

C: "Well you don't have wings and I do, and there's no ground here. It's just a bunch of floating islands so..... you got any better ideas?"

A: "WHAT!!! You have wings!?!" I thought I saw something on his back when we were in the dim room but my vision was still somewhat blurry so I didn't think much of it then.

C: "Yeah, you'll probably get yours soon. But like, can we go now?" He was obviously getting impatient. He was probably hungry and I was too to be honest. 

A: "Ummm...... yeah okay. Let's go" I said with hesitation. He picked me back up in a cradle type thing like when you hold a sleeping baby. I was tense and scared because we were going to be thousands of feet in the air and couldn't see anything. 

C: "Calm down Audrey. You're okay....... I've got you." For some reason, that made me feel safer then I've ever been before. I relaxed my body but kept my arms wrapped tightly around his neck. 

A: "So, would you like to explain to me what you meant back there? Not only because you promised but also because I really need something to distract me from how fucking scared I am right now." 

C: "Well first of all, I only said that I would tell you. I never promised to anything"

A: "Ughhh just tell me alreadyyyy"

C: "Okay okay fineee. So basically your dad was what we call a Wise One. A Wise One is a powerful guardian angel elected by the council and acts as a government. They attend ceremonies, meetings, choosings, and a whole bunch of other important things. Your mother was his human and he was supposed to be her guardian. But he broke one of the most important laws of being a guardian.He contacted her directly, and soon fell in love with her. When Delilah who is the head of the council and who was the woman i was talking to when you woke up found out your father was banished from the Guardian Realm. But she didn't find out until a few months after you had already been born. And he brought you here often but hid you from her so that he would be banished. So you still had The Essence, which is what makes an angel a guardian." 

A: "So, what you're saying is..... I'm like a lost princess or something? And my parents were a modern day Romeo and Juliet?" I said jokingly 

C: "Yup, more or less. But you are of age to be a guardian now and you have to make a decision. Right now on Earth, you're in a coma. You have six months until you either have to return to Earth, wake up from your 'coma', and loose your Essence permanently. Or, you stay here and take your father's place on the council since you're an heir to a Wise One. And your human body will die and you will loose any and all direct contact with the human world. During the six months you have I will be training you to be a guardian and you will live here. Once the six months are up you will have to choose. And before you get upset with me for not telling you all this when you got here I didn't know either. All they told me was that there was a very important girl in the prison cells and I was to bring her to the council hall and not to let her out of my sight. They never told me anything about why you were important, who you were, or why you were here. So, that's why I was being so discrete, barley knew anything and I figured you were a prisoner. And for the blindfold, I thought it was so that you wouldn't see anything that you weren't supposed to but really it was because the light would be too harsh on your eyes. But that pretty much wraps up all that I know so far. Did that answer all of your questions? " he said while landing somewhere I assume is where we are going for lunch because the smell of comfort food filled my senses. 

A: "Yeah.... but now I have follow ups. A lot of follow ups....." I didn't know how to act or to feel. I mean, how could anyone after receiving information like that all at once. I was only joking when I asked if I was a lost princess or whatever because I thought he was just messing with me. But now, I'm not sure how to feel or what to believe......

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