11. Take your Time

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Title: Come as you are - Nirvana 

Evie's pov


I dropped Cam off at his house and as soon as he got out so did Audrey. "What are you doing", I ask confused. Did she plan to go back with Cam? I was kinda hoping I'd be able to take her home, I really like being around her. She's easy to be around, I don't really click with people like I did with her. "Oh, I'm just going to the back. I've been up all morning and then me and Cam were walking around. I had an energy drink this morning but it don't think it worked cuz I'm sleepy. Do you mind if I take a nap?" "No it's fine, go ahead."

She fell asleep much faster than I thought she would've, with all the energy she has I thought she'd be one of those people that take hours to fall asleep. But I guess not. I drove in silence with my music low, trying not to wake her up. I get home and she's still asleep so I shake her gently in attempt to wake her up. "Morning Evie" she says with a warm, tired smile. "We're home, you gonna come in or what?" i joke as she sits up and stretches. "Well duh, I don't wanna get kidnapped or die from a heat stroke in the back of your car" she luaghed and rolled her eyes while fixing her skirt before getting out of the car. We walked all the way to her apartment on the 2nd floor of our building and while unlocking the door she decides she want's to come over. "Actually, could I just hang out with you?", "Bitch, you're telling me you wanna come over right as we get to your door? You couldn't have told me that before we walked down this long ass hallway." "Pleaseeeee" she says with puppy dog eyes and a small, hopeful smile. "Fine, but only because you're adorable and my favorite person to be around" i say and she giggles.

We get up to my apartment and I open the door. She walks in and sprawls herself out on the couch, "Home sweet home." "Audrey, how many times do have to tell you? You don't live hereee" i say, moving her and sitting in the spot her head was previously in. She gave me an offended look, "How dare you disturb my relaxation" she says before laying her head on my lap. "Well you were in my spot, what was I supposed to do? Sit on your face?" I realized what i said the instant I said it and Audrey threw her hand over her mouth. "Nope. I already know, don't say a single thing" i say, looking away in embarrassment. "I don't know what you're talking aboutttt. And even if I did have something to say, what makes you think I'd keep quite just cuz you said so?" she questions, looking up at me for a reaction. "You really wanna play that game?" i threaten, looking back down at her. "I don't know, maybe I do." "You do know you don't have to be here right? I could just make you go back to your apartment." She looks back over at the TV with an attitude, probably upset because I didn't give her the reaction she wanted. "I'm good, imma stay here. Now hurry up,  there are literally 40 million shows on here and you can't even pick one" she whines, i finished watching Umbrella Academy so i don't know what to watch anymore. Eventually she took the remote from me and put on a show called Atypical she's apparently been wanting to watch. I thought it would be something like Umbrella Academy because of the name but it definitely isn't. It's pretty good though, it's about this kid named Sam who autism and his sister and his family and stuff. I don't like the mom very much, she gives me bad vibes. We finish episode 1 and decided that neither of us are allowed to watch it without the other. And my vibes about dumb bitch Elsa have been confirmed. She's definitely gonna cheat on her husband, she was wayyyy to friendly with that bar tender. 

"Hey, I'm kinda hungry" Audrey says, getting up to walk to the kitchen. "I could order some pizza or something" i offer. "Pizza is yucky, i don't know how you like it." "Well, i don't know how you don't, pizza is amazing." i say, it's literally the weirdest thing. She hates pizza, she only like it form this one place all the way on the other side of town. "Could we get chinese instead? I like chinese" she says smiling. "You can have chinese but i'm gonna get pizza. You know, they should have a place that has chinese food and pizza. That would make having you over a lot easier." i say, pulling my phone out so i can place the orders. "I don't know why they don't, that would be cool." she agrees. I finish her order and i find the number for the pizza place. "Don't get it from the Pizza Palace though, that place is so nasty" she whines and hits me with a pillow. "Why do you even care, you don't like pizza?" "Because, I want a little bit but I don't like that place so if you order from there I can't have any" she explains. "Well maybe i should order from there, then i can have the whole thing by myself and i don't have to worry about you stealing any" i say clicking on the number to mess with her. "Noooo, please Evie" she whines trying to take the phone from me. "I'm gonna do itttt" i say lowering my finger closer and closer to the call button. Right before i tap the screen she takes my phone and runs off. I chase after her all around the apartment trying to get my phone back from her. "I'm gonna kill you Audrey! And Cam isn't here to save you this time!" i yell as i almost catch up to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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