5. From his point of view

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Cam's pov 


C: "Audrey? You good?" I ask concerned 

A: "Mmhm, I just-" she stopped mid sentence. She got up with a blank stare and walked over to the picture that fell of the wall. She drooped to her hands and knees, glass from the fame pierced through her palms but she had no reaction. She was... lifeless. Like she was there but not really. A young boy came with a broom, i'm guessing for the glass. He looks up at me confused. 

C: "Hey um, just- just give her a minute." He leans the broom up against the wall and goes to take an order. I decide to go see what on earth Audrey's doing. I kneel down next to her and notice she's just staring at the picture that fell from the wall with the same blank expression and shaking lightly. She starts to shake more violently and is sweating and I can see her starting to tear up. She quickly turns around and completely breaks down. I pull her into a hug and I can feel her tears drenching my shirt. I just sit there, stunned. Like what the fuck is going on? 

A: "Ok, thank you Mrs. Conner" I hear her say in a low, shaky voice. 

C: "What are you talking about? Who's Mrs. Conner? It's just me, Cam." 

She opens her eyes and pulls away, then slowly looks up at me and then around the diner. 

A: "Whe- where am I? Th- this isn't mom's house? Ho- how did i get here?!?" she said stuttering and starting to panic. Still shaking, she started frantically trying to get up and winced at the pain from the glass in her skin and fell back onto the floor. I put two and two together and realized she was hallucinating or having a flashback or something. I pull her back into the hug and reassure her that she's safe and everything is ok. 

C: "It's ok Audrey, it wasn't real. I've got you." 

She wraps her arms around me tightly and we sit in the middle of the diner floor ignoring the stares of others until she fell asleep. I payed the check and took her home. She was still alseep when we got back so I gently laid her down in her bed and sat in a chair across the room. I decide to get on my phone while I wait for her to wake up. 

-----1 hour time skip-----

I hear Audrey yawn and I look over to see her sitting up with her legs folded and stretching on the bed. 

C: "Good morning sleepy head"

A: "Morning Cam, what time is it?"

C: "Ughh, around 2pm. Did you have a nice nap?" 

A: "Sorta, I had a bad dream"

C: "Did it have anything to do with a broken picture frame.... at the diner?" i ask hesitantly 

A: "Yeah... ho- how did you know?"

C: "Cuz, it wasn't a dream..."

A: "FUCKK" she yells throwing herself back down on the bed, tears welling up in her eyes in embarrassment.  

C: "Hey, quite down. Someone might hear you and think we're like... you know" i joke, trying to lighten the mood

(im sorry im just wayyyy too dirty minded and there were wayyy many things in this chapter that made me think of dirty things while writing it 😅)

A: "CAM!!!" she yells and throws a pillow at me. And lemme tell ya, she's got good aim. It hit me right in the face all the way from across the room. We laugh for a bit then I turn the conversation back to what happened at the diner.

C: "Do you... maybe wanna talk ab it?" i ask in a lower, sincere tone

A: "Um, no. Not really. Not right now." she sad sadly, looking down in her lap

C: "That's alright, maybe another time. When you feel up for it. But hey, I was planning on taking you clothes shopping after lunch if you still wanna go. You know, to cheer you up "

A: "OH MY GOD YES YES YES!!!" she squeals jumping up and down on the bed.

C: "There you go again, keep it up and someone might get the wrong idea" 

A: "*gasp* You're disgusting!" she says rolling her eyes while putting on her shoes

C: "Blah blah blah, hurry up and put this on so we can go. There's someone I want you to meet" i say laughing as I toss her the blindfold

A/N: hey guys, ik in the preview i said there would be a new character but im pushing her introduction to next chapter bc i wasn't tryna make this chapter too long. But she will for sure be in the next chapter! deuces ✌️

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